Journal List > J Korean Diabetes > v.19(4) > 1110827

Kim: The Role and Significance of Medical Social Worker Intervention in Camps for Diabetic Patients


In diabetes camps, medical social workers interact with individuals and groups of participants to help them learn to adapt psychologically and emotionally to the stress from diabetes and to improve their ability to cope with interpersonal relationships. The change stage model (transtheoretical model) is applied to change the behavior of diabetics. Social worker intervention programs in diabetes camps provide opportunities for patients to manage their diabetes healthily by increasing self-esteem, participating in motivational counseling, and developing stress management, fear and conflict resolution. In particular, in the 2030 diabetes camp program, young diabetics can learn the personal importance of medical social workers through the ‘post-camp’ talk.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

2030 Diabetes camp: diabetes patient camp program conducted by medical social workers

Table 2

Statistics of the 19th diabetes camp session [8]


Values are presented as number only or number (%).


Appendix 1


Appendix 2


Appendix 3


Appendix 4



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8. Committee for Patient Advocacy, Korean Diabetes Association. 19th 2030 Diabetes camp results report. Seoul: Korean Diabetes Association;2018. p. 61–66.
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