The purpose of this study was to explore Inattentional Blindness (IB) as experienced by hospital nurses.
Data were collected from August 3 to October 30, 2017 through focus group interviews with 24 nurses working in a university hospital in Seoul, Korea. Four focus group interviews were conducted and all interviews were recorded. Data were analyzed through qualitative content analysis.
Three categories and seven subcategories were identified from 96 units of analysis, as follows: 1) occurrence of IB (preoccupation with specific factors, pressure from external factors, unexpected event); 2) triggers of IB (distraction, low expectation of error); and 3) influences due to exposure to IB (continuous self-surveillance, perceived need for thinking expansion).
The findings of this study show that nurses experienced IB directly and indirectly while performing their duties. IB occurred especially in common nursing situations, such as health assessment and medication administration. The results also suggest that it is necessary to develop strategies to prevent IB in the clinical setting, which can be useful not only to ensure patient safety but also to help patients regain their health.
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