Journal List > Ann Clin Microbiol > v.21(4) > 1109553

Lee, Kim, and Chang: Correction: Detection of Rifampicin Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Using Middlebrook 7H9 Broth Medium with 2,3-Diphenyl-5-Thienyl-(2)-Tetrazolium Chloride
To the Editor,
There was an error in the article, ‘Detection of Rifampicin Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Using Middlebrook 7H9 Broth Medium with 2,3-Diphenyl-5-Thienyl-(2)-Tetrazolium Chloride.’
The acknowledgement was missed without intention. We ask to add the acknowledgement ‘This work was supported by a 2-Year Research Grant of Pusan National University.’ in an appropriate section.
We apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused.
Yours sincerely,
Chulhun L. Chang
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