Journal List > Korean J Sports Med > v.36(4) > 1109079

Chung and Lim: The Effects of Foot Position on Dynamic Stability during Squat in Female with Genu Varum



The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of foot position on dynamic stability in female with genu varum.


Eight females with genu varum participated in this study and performed the four squat exercise methods that foot position (−45°, 0°, +45°) and 0° squat with band. Center of pressure (COP; anterior-posterior, medial-lateral, traveled distance, ellipse area) and ground reaction force as dynamic stability were measured using footscan system. Multivariate analysis of variance and one-way repeated analysis of variance measurement with Tukey honestly significant difference were used to identify significant differences of foot angle (−45°, 0°, +45°) and 0° squat with band method.


In anterior-posterior COP displacement, −45° foot angle and 0° squat with band were significantly showed lower than +45° foot angle squat (p=0.006). Also, in COP traveled distance, 0° squat was significantly showed lower than +45° foot angle (p=0.019). During the descending phase, ground reaction force significantly showed in −45 foot angle was lower than other exercise methods.


The 0° squat with band exercise showed higher dynamic stability and +45° foot angle squat exercise showed lower dynamic stability in female with genu varum.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Squat exercise methods.

Table 1

Physical characteristics of subjects


Values are presented as mean±standard deviation.

BMI: body mass index.

Table 2

Results of COP direction displacement


Values are presented as mean±standard deviation.

COP: center of pressure, A-P: anterior-posterior, M-L: medial-lateral, b: +45°, c: −45°, d: 0° band.


Table 3

Results of COP TD, COP EA, and GRF


Values are presented as mean±standard deviation.

COP: center of pressure, TD: traveled distance, EA: ellipse area, GRF: ground reaction force, a: 0°, b: +45°, c: −45°, d: 0° band.

*p<0.05; **p<0.01.


Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.


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