In edentulous patients, implant - supported fixed prosthesis treatment has been proved to be useful, but involves complex treatment process. On the other hand, in the modern dentistry, digital technology has been developed day by day and it has expanded its range to the implant restoration of edentulous patients. In this case, a digital system was used for all stages of diagnosis, surgery, design and fabrication of provisional implants fixed prosthesis restoration in 66-year-old mandibular edentulous patients. In the preoperative diagnosis stage, a provisional restoration was designed based on the mucosal scan using the intraoral scanner and the stable occlusion of prefabricated complete denture of the patient. After flapless implant surgery using the surgical guide, the prefabricated interim restoration was connected to the implant and used as immediate provisional restoration. The final restoration was designed and fabricated by transferring the vertical dimension and the centric relation of the provisional restoration with stable occlusion using digital technology. We report a simple protocol of implant treatment in edentulous patients by using digital techniques to preserve the patient's vertical dimension and occlusion.
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