Journal List > J Korean Acad Prosthodont > v.56(4) > 1106325

Roh, Jeon, Jeong, Yoon, Lee, and Huh: Implant assisted removable partial denture with implant surveyed crown: A 20-month follow-up case report


Traditional options for posterior edentulous treatment include removable partial dentures and implant fixed prostheses. Recently, the concept of implant assisted removable partial denture, in which two treatments are fused, has been introduced in consideration of systemic health and patient's needs, costs, residual alveolar bone status and so on. Implant assisted removable partial denture has the advantage of increasing the retention and stability of the denture and improving its esthetics in cases of large bone defects or biomechanical disadvantages. In addition, it is possible to strategically place the implants in a site where the alveolar bone is relatively sufficient, thereby overcome the limit of the conventional removable partial denture design as well as reducing the burden on a wide range of implant surgery. Cost reduction is also expected. In this case, the patient was treated by placing the implant in both premolar sites of the mandible and fabricating the distal extension removable partial denture with the implant fixed prosthesis as an abutment. After delivering the definitive prosthesis, the patient showed satisfaction with the masticatory function and esthetics. and has been regularly followed-up for more than one year. The following 20-months follow-up case report describes the design of an implant-assisted-removable partial denture (IARPD) in which two cementretained implant crowns used to provide support and stability.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Initial panoramic radiograph.

Fig. 2

Initial intraoral photographs. (A) Right view, (B) Frontal view, (C) Left view, (D) Occlusal view (Maxilla), (E) Occlusal view (Mandible).

Fig. 3

Panoramic radiograph after implant surgery.

Fig. 4

Pekkton post-core on #43.

Fig. 5

Temporary denture and temporary bridge.

Fig. 6

Fabrication of #34,44 customized titanium abutment (A) Final impression, (B) Master cast, (C), (D) Fabrication of #34,44 custom abutment using CAD/CAM system, (E), (F) Custom abutment try-in.

Fig. 7

Intraoral photographs after surveyed crown, bridge placement. (A) Right view, (B) Frontal view, (C) Left view, (D) Occlusal view (Maxilla), (E) Occlusal view (Mandible).

Fig. 8

(A) Final impression for removable partial denture, (B) Metal framework and occlusal rim, (C) Functional impression, (D) Bite registration.

Fig. 9

Intraoral photographs after definitive prosthesis delivery. (A) Right view, (B) Frontal view, (C) Left view, (D) Occlusal view (Maxilla), (E) Occlusal view (Mandible).



This paper was supported by the grant of clinical research funding of the Dental Hospital of Pusan National University in 2017.


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Jung-Bo Huh

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