Journal List > Korean J Adult Nurs > v.30(4) > 1106158

Kim and Kim: Effects of Cognitive-based Interventions of Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis



The purpose of this study was to systematically review the effects of cognitive-based interventions on the cognitive function of older adults with mild cognitive impairment and conduct a meta-analysis to present basic data based on objective evidence.


This study analyzed the effects on older adults' cognitive function based on 21 studies using randomized controlled trials of cognitive-based interventions from 2000 to 2017.


The results demonstrated that the cognitive-based interventions showed statistically significant effects on language, global cognitive function, executive function, memory, visuospatial ability, and attention. All of them showed a medium effect size.


A cognitive-based intervention for older adults with mild cognitive impairment needs to be systematically and continuously applied to improve cognitive function. Such interventions can delay and prevent the progress of dementia, which will help in reducing the socioeconomic burden associated with it. In the future, it is necessary to study further, the various variables involved in continuous cognitive training programs.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1

Flow of studies included from the database search.

Figure 2

Graph of the risk of bias.

Figure 3

Funnel plot of by Hedges' g.

Table 1

Descriptive Summary and Risk of Bias Assessments of Included Studies


PT=publication type; SPT=support program type; I/G=individual or group; TNS=total number of sessions; FSW=frequency of session a week; DES=duration of each session; RSG=random sequence generation; ASC=allocation sequence concealment; BPP=blinding of participants and personnel; BOA=blinding of outcome assessment; IOD=incomplete outcome data; SOR=selective outcome reporting; OPTV=other potential threats to validity; USA=the united states of america ; UK=the united kingdom; J=journal; D=dissertation; CT=cognitive training; CR=cognitive rehabilitation; CS=cognitive stimulation; C=computer-based; N/C=non-computer-based; I=individual; G=group; MMSE=mini mental state examination; RBANS=repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status; MoCA=montreal cognitive assessment; IED=intra-/extra-dimensional set shifting; SWM=spatial working memory; RVP=rapid visual information processing; RAVLT=rey auditory verbal learning test; RBMT=rivermead behavioural memory test; CANTAB=cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery; PAL=paired-associates learning; PRM=pattern recognition memory; L=low; H=high; ‘-’=unclear.

Table 2

Effect Size and Forest Plots of the Effects of Cognitive-based Intervention on Mild Cognitive Impairment


K=number of effect size; 95% CI=95% confidence interval; Q=total variability; I2=between-study variability


The authors would like to express a their sincere appreciation to Professor Kyungsook Park for her invaluable advice and help with this paper. We would also like to thank Dr. Hyeon Jeong Lim for her helpful comments on the research.


CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The authors declared no conflict of interest.


Appendix 1

Studies Included in Meta-Analysis

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5. Tsolaki M, Kounti F, Agogiatou C, Poptsi E, Bakoglidou E, Zafeiropoulou M, et al. Effectiveness of nonpharmacological approaches in patients with mild cognitive impairment. Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2011;8(3):138-45.
6. Fortman JA. Computer-based cognitive training for age-related cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment [dissertation]. Santa Barbara, California: Antioch University; 2012.
7. Blackwood JA. An examination of executive function, mild cognitive impairment and fall risk in community dwelling older adults [dissertation]. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University; 2013.
8. Carretti B, Borella E, Fostinelli S, Zavagnin M. Benefits of training working memory in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: specific and transfer effects. International Psychogeriatrics. 2013;25(4):617-26.
9. Greenaway M, Duncan N, Smith G. The memory support system for mild cognitive impairment: randomized trial of a cognitive rehabilitation intervention. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2013;28(4):402-9.
10. Olchik MR, Farina J, Steibel N, Teixeira AR, Yassuda MS. Memory training (MT) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) generates change in cognitive performance. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2013;56(3):442-7.
11. Rojas GJ, Villar V, Iturry M, Harris P, Serrano CM, Herrera JA, et al. Efficacy of a cognitive intervention program in patients with mild cognitive impairment. International Psychogeriatrics. 2013;25(5):825-31.
12. Schmitter EM, Dyck DG. Cognitive rehabilitation multi-family group intervention for individuals with mild cognitive impairment and their care-partners. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2014;20(9):897-908.
13. Suzuki H, Kuraoka M, Yasunaga M, Nonaka K, Sakurai R, Takeuchi R, et al. Cognitive intervention through a training program for picture book reading in community-dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics. 2014;14(1):122.
14. Finn M, McDonald S. Repetition-lag training to improve recollection memory in older people with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. a randomized controlled trial. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. 2015;22(2):244-58.
15. Leung NT, Tam HM, Chu LW, Kwok TC, Chan F, Lam LC, et al. Neural plastic effects of cognitive training on aging brain. Neural Plasticity. 2015;2015:1-9.
16. Barban F, Annicchiarico R, Pantelopoulos S, Federici A, Perri R, Fadda L, et al. Protecting cognition from aging and alzheimer's disease: a computerized cognitive training combined with reminiscence therapy. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2016;31(4):340-8.
17. Barekatain M, Alavirad M, Tavakoli M, Emsaki G, Maracy MR. Cognitive rehabilitation in patients with nonamnestic mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences: the Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. 2016;21:101.
18. Giuli C, Papa R, Lattanzio F, Postacchini D. The effects of cognitive training for elderly: results from my mind project. Rejuvenation Research. 2016;19(6):485-94.
19. Hagovska M, Olekszyova Z. Impact of the combination of cognitive and balance training on gait, fear and risk of falling and quality of life in seniors with mild cognitive impairment. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2016;16(9):1043-50.
20. Hyer L, Scott C, Atkinson MM, Mullen CM, Lee A, Johnson A, et al. Cognitive training program to improve working memory in older adults with mci. Clinical Gerontologist. 2016;39 (5):410-27.
21. Savulich G, Piercy T, Fox C, Suckling J, Rowe JB, O'Brien JT, et al. Cognitive training using a novel memory game on an iPad in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2017;20 (8):624-33.


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Sinhyang Kim

Bokyoung Kim

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