To Implement Effective Vocabulary Viewer for Electronic Medical Vocabulary Database Such as MED.
A few Medical Vocabulary Database access method are reviewed. Some of their disadvantage of acquiring specific medical concepts are identified. MED has chosen as an example Medical Vocabulary System. We studied AccessMED, a vocabulary browser that supports lexical matching and the traversal of hierarchical and semantic links, and enhanced methodology of medical vocabulary browsing and acquiring medical vocabulary.
The paper suggests platform independent client-server architecture Medical Vocabulary Viewer, MEDUSA. Additional support for Medical Vocabulary Browsing options such as display all ancestor, multiple concepts displaying, and bookmarking workspaces are implemented.
Since MEDUSA uses client-server architecture along with scripting language such as TCL/TK as implementation language, it runs multiple platform. We claim MEDUSA can be easily integrated with other Medical Vocabulary such as UMLS. Using bookmark and annotation function of MEDUSA enables many vocabulary developers from multiple sites to communicate and discuss new concepts better.