Journal List > J Korean Assoc Pediatr Surg > v.9(1) > 1102496

Park and Lee: Clinical Evaluation of Recurrent Intussusception


To evaluate the clinical findings of the recurrent intussusception. 351 patients with 445 intussusceptions were reviewed. Recurrence rate, pattern of recurrence, reducibility, pathologic lead points (PLP), and operative findings and long term follow up of the multiple recurrences were analyzed. Of 351 patients, 303 had no recurrence, 26 had one recurrence, and 22 had multiple recurrences. Over all recurrence rate was 16.4% ; 18.5% were managed by air reduction, 16.2% by barium reduction and 5.9% by operation. Elven PLPs were proved operatively operatively and an additional 6 suspected PLPs were depicted radiologically. The most frequent PLP was ileal lymphoid hyperplasia. Intervals between reduction and recurrence were less than 2 weeks in 31 cases, between 2 weeks and 1 year in 55, and more than 1 year in 8. The longest interval was 2 years and 4 months.

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