Journal List > Allergy Asthma Respir Dis > v.6(5) > 1102178

Kim, Lee, Kang, Kang, Jung, and Lee: Comparison of differences in microbial compositions between negative controls and subject samples with varying analysis configurations



Identifying microbial communities with 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing is a popular approach in microbiome studies, and various software tools and data resources have been developed for microbial analysis. Our aim in this study is investigating various available software tools and reference sequence databases to compare their performance in differentiating subject samples and negative controls.


We collected 4 negative control samples using various acquisition protocols, and 2 respiratory samples were acquired from a healthy subject also with different acquisition protocols. Quantitative methods were used to compare the results of taxonomy compositions of these 6 samples by varying the configuration of analysis software tools and reference databases.


The results of taxonomy assignments showed relatively little difference, regardless of pipeline configurations and reference databases. Nevertheless, the effect on the discrepancy was larger using different software configurations than using different reference databases. In recognizing different samples, the 4 negative controls were clearly separable from the 2 subject samples. Addi-tionally, there is a tendency to differentiate samples from different acquisition protocols.


Our results suggest little difference in microbial compositions between different software tools and reference databases, but certain configurations can improve the separability of samples. Changing software tools shows a greater impact on results than changing reference databases; thus, it is necessary to utilize appropriate configurations based on the objectives of studies.


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Fig. 1.
Normalized compositions of common microbial communities of 6 samples, from each configuration of pipeline and reference sequence database. Compositions of common microbial communities are plotted with unassigned proportions (A), and without unassigned proportions (B). The presented compositions are in phylum level. NC, negative control; S, subject sample.
Fig. 2.
A bar plot of averaged Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) values between the results of 2 different configurations of pipelines and reference sequence databases. The averaged JSD values were computed with and without unassigned portions. The averaged JSD values between 0 to 1 were plotted (A) and zoomed to ob-serve the details (B). Markers indicate the averaged JSD from varying pipeline (black), and from varying database (red). p1, Pipeline1; p2, Pipeline2; gg, Greengenes; sv, SILVA.
Fig. 3.
Principle component analysis (PCA) plots of all samples using different pipelines and databases (with and without unassigned). NC and S are separable either with (A) or without unassigned portion (B). NC, negative control; S, subject sample. p1, Pipeline1; p2, Pipeline2; gg, Greengenes; sv, SILVA.
Fig. 4.
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) plots of 6 samples from each configuration of pipelines and databases based on the weighted-UniFrac distance. Pipeline1 with Greengenes (A), Pipeline1 with SILVA (B), Pipeline2 with Greengenes (C), and Pipeline2 with SILVA (D). NC, negative control; S, subject sample.
Fig. 5.
Average weighted-UniFrac distance. The average of weighted-UniFrac distance between negative control and subject sample were sorted in descend-ing order. p1, Pipeline1; p2, Pipeline2; gg, Greengenes; sv, SILVA.
Table 1.
List of samples and their acquisition protocols
Sample ID Acquisition protocol
Negative control 1 (NC1) Normal saline
NC2 Protected brush → Normal saline
NC3 Protected brush → Bronchoscopy → Normal saline
NC4 Bronchoscopy → Normal saline
Subject 1 (S1) Protected brush → Bronchoscopy → Brushing → Normal saline
S2 Bronchoscopy → Bronchial washing

Normal saline and protected brushes which used for sample acquisition were steril-ized. Four negative controls were derived from using multiple sample acquisitions that are normal saline (NC1), immersing protected brush in normal saline (NC2), immersing protected brush which through the bronchoscopy in normal saline (NC3), and washing bronchoscopy channel with normal saline (NC4). Two subject samples were acquired from a healthy subject using protected brush (S1) and bronchial washing (S2).

Table 2.
Clinical characteristics of subject
Variable Status
Sex Male
Age (yr) 54
History of the present illness Negative
Relevant past medical history Negative
Smoking (pack-years) 40
Chest computed tomography Stricture of laterobasal segment of right lower lobar bronchus
Bronchoscopy Benign bronchial stricture without lesions on laterobasal segment of right lower lobar bronchus
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