Journal List > Korean J Adult Nurs > v.30(4) > 1100187

Lee and Yun: Factors Influencing Resilience in Hospitalized Patients with Stroke



The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing resilience of patients with stroke.


A cross-sectional descriptive research design was used. The subjects of this study were 136 hospitalized patients with stroke in Dankook university hospital in Cheonan, Korea. Data were collected from August 2016 to March 2017 using a structured questionnaire including patient's characteristics, depression, uncertainty, social support, self-efficacy, and resilience. Data were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 21.0 program for descriptive statistics, using independent t-test, one way analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression.


Resilience had a statistically significant relationship with education(t=-2.17, p=.032), duration of diagnosis (F=4.09, p=.019), and mobility(F=4.44, p=.014). Further, depression(r=-.30, p<.001), self-efficacy(r=.44, p<.001), and social support (r=.37, p<.001) were significantly correlated with resilience. In the multiple regression analysis, self-efficacy and social support were statistically significant factors that explained 30.3% of variance of resilience in hospitalized patients with stroke. Depression and uncertainty were not found to be significant.


The results of the study indicate that factors influencing resilience are self-efficacy and social support. Therefore, nursing intervention programs for increasing the resilience should include strategies for improving self-efficacy and social support for hospitalized patients with stroke.


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Table 1.
Differences in Resilience according to Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics in Patients with Stroke (N=136)
Characteristics Categories n (%) M± SD t or F (p)
Gender Men 95 (69.9) 76.86±13.40 1.18
Women 41 (30.1) 73.15±18.08 (.241)
Age (year) 65 70 (51.5) 76.57±14.51 0.66
≥65 66 (48.5) 74.86±15.55 (.510)
Spouse Yes 107 (78.7) 75.07±15.07 -1.00
No 29 (21.3) 78.21±14.71 (.320)
Religion Yes 78 (57.4) 76.60±16.03 0.77
No 58 (42.6) 74.59±13.53 (.440)
Education ≤ Middle school 74 (54.4) 73.23±15.00 -2.17
≥ High school 62 (45.6) 78.74±14.54 (.032)
Economic status High 14 (10.3) 81.71±11.45 2.52
Middle 84 (61.8) 76.49±15.45 (.084)
Low 38 (27.9) 71.89±14.45
Primary caregiver Spouse 65 (47.8) 76.69±14.67 .221
Offspring 25 (18.4) 74.84±14.14 (.926)
Parent or sibling 15 (11.0) 74.13±20.17
Paid caregiver 13 (9.6) 73.38±14.12
None 18 (13.2) 76.61±14.30
Previous stroke No 113 (83.1) 76.26±15.79 0.39
Yes 23 (16.9) 73.26±10.50 (.678)
Type of stroke Infarction 88 (64.7) 76.08±12.48 0.56
Hemorrhage 41 (30.1) 74.90±19.57 (.572)
Both infarction and hemorrhage 7 (5.2) 76.43±15.45
Duration of diagnosis (month) 1 a 80 (58.8) 78.75±13.20 4.09
2 b 23 (16.9) 71.61±18.63 (.019)
≥3 c 33 (24.3) 71.33±14.98 a> b, c
Mobility Move alone a 60 (44.1) 78.03±13.81 4.44
Using assistive devices b 20 (14.7) 80.95±12.85 (.014)
Help of others with assistive devices c 56 (41.2) 71.43±15.99 b> c

Scheffé test.

Table 2.
The Depression, Uncertainty, Self-efficacy, Social Support, and Resilience in Patients with Stroke (N=136)
Variables M± SD Range Min Max
Depression 26.98±8.03 10~50 10 47
Uncertainty 47.99±10.56 16~80 22 75
Self-efficacy 81.44±20.78 10~100 20 100
Social support 74.47±9.55 18~90 49 90
Resilience 75.74±14.99 14~98 21 98
Table 3.
Correlation of Depression, Uncertainty, Self-efficacy, Social Support, and Resilience in Patients with Stroke (N=136)
Variables Depression Uncertainty Self-efficacy Social support
r (p) r (p) r (p) r (p)
Resilience -.30 (<.001) -.16 (.059) .44 (<.001) .37 (<.001)
Table 4.
Factors Influencing Resilience in Patients with Stroke (N=136)
Variables B SE β t p
(Constant) 13.62 12.51 1.09 .278
Education 1 4.03 2.25 .13 1.79 .076
Duration of diagnosis 1 -3.74 3.04 -.09 -1.23 .221
Duration of diagnosis 2 -3.13 2.71 -.09 -1.16 .250
Mobility 1 4.57 3.37 .10 1.36 .177
Mobility 2 0.42 3.01 .01 0.14 .888
Uncertainty 0.02 0.11 .02 0.16 .875
Self-efficacy 0.26 0.07 .37 3.73 .001
Social support 0.52 0.12 .33 4.47 .001
Adj. R2=.303, F=8.31, p<.001

SE=standard error;

Dummy variable : Education (0=≤ middle school, 1=≥ High school), Duration of diagnosis (0=1month, 1=2month, 2=≥3month), Mobility (0=Move alone, 1=Using assistive devices, 2=Help of others with assistive devices).

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