Journal List > Korean J Pediatr Infect Dis > v.4(1) > 1098875

Choi, Lee, Lee, Han, Hwang, and Lee: Outbreak of Hepatitis A in TaeJon in 1996 : Clinical and Epidemiologic Study in Children



Recently a shift in hepatitis A incidence from children to adults has been well noted. We experienced under 15-years old 31 patients who presented hepatitis A infection. In order to prepare for the prevention on hepatitis A outbreak in the future, we studied the clinical and epidemiologic manifestations of these patients.


We enrolled patients from July to December in 1996 (6 months) and evaluated the monthly incidence, geographical distribution, age and sex, and clinical manfestations, including laboratory fadings.


Many cases of hepatitis A occured in the summer months, especially August (16/31 cases). Most of patients (87%) were living in the Seo-Ku area (northwest district of the city). In age distribution, there were no cases under 3 years of age, 3 cases from 4~5 years, 13 cases from 6~10 years, 15 cases from 11~15 years. Clinical profiles showed that dark urine, nausea and vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain, fever, and fatigue were the common presenting symptoms. The initial presenting laboratory tests included total bilirubin 3.3mg/dl, alkaline phosphatase of 856units/L, and serum asparate aminotransferase and alanine aminolransferase levels of 910IU/L and 1239IU/L, respectively. No patient presented atypical clinical courses or complications.


Hepatitis A in children shows benign clinical features. This study showed that the possibility of another outbreak of Hepatitis A in the TaeJon area or elsewhere in the near future Korea will be possible. To prevent an outbreak we will be concerned about the anti-HAV IgG prevalance rate in children and preventive modalities including vaccination against hepatitis A.

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