Journal List > Korean J Pediatr Infect Dis > v.4(2) > 1098839

Cheon, Shin, Lee, Choung, and Tockgo: Mumps and Rubella Specific IgG in Unvaccinated Infants



To evaluate the postnatal changes of serum levels of mumps- and rubella-specific IgG antibody in unvaccinated infants, this study was performed using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The sera were collected from 103 unvaccinated infants under 15 months of age. The results obtained were as follows. 1) The seropositivities and the levels of mumps specific IgG decreased by ages, 70.6% in 1 month, 50.0% in 2~3 months, 6.7% in 4~5 months and 0% after 6 months of age respectively. 2) The seropositivities of rubella-specific IgG were 58.8% in 1 month, 70% in 2~3 months, 13.3% in 4~5 months, and 0% after 6 months of ages in unvaccinated infants respectively. 3) The seropositivities and antibody levels of mumps and rubella specific IgG had significantly decreased with age, and there was negative correlation between ages of infants and mumps or rubella-specific IgG levels(correlation coefficient r=−0.500, P<0.001).


The seropositivities of transplacental antibodies of mumps and rubella in unvaccinated infants were 0% after 6 months of age. These transplacental antibodies disappeared earlier age than we had thought.

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