Periodical calibrations of radiation detectors are important for accurate quality assurance of therapeutic linac. The measuring instruments such as ion-chamber, thermometer, barometer, and survey meter should be calibrated periodically. Period of calibration for these instruments is suggested 6 month to one year in Korea and two years in other countries nowadays. Therefore, the determination of reasonable period for calibration is needed. In this study, we plan to utilize the results of these survey; frequent in use, how to use and stability of instruments, to determine the optimized period of calibration for the instruments in the departments of radiation oncology in Korea based on the ILAC-G24. The SurveyMonkey web-based survey tool was used and the objects of survey were 18 department of radiation oncology in university hospitals, and 15 departments were answered. The 64 questionnaires which supposed to be answered in 50 minutes were classified as the information of candidates, the thermometer, the barometer, the surveymeter, and the ion-chamber. The thermometers and the barometers were not under periodical calibration for more than half of candidates. The periods of calibration of surveymeters were 6 month to 1 year. We expect that the calibration period can be determined based on these survey results.
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