Korean elderly women residing in rural areas still appear to be marginalized from health services for cancer prevention. The purposes of this study were to measure the degrees of colorectal cancer (CRC) knowledge, health literacy, and self-management behaviors among the elderly women in rural areas and to identify the influences of their CRC knowledge and health literacy on self-management behaviors.
Total 121 elderly women aged 65 or older living in rural areas were recruited for this descriptive study and answered survey questionnaires.
The participants’ mean age was 78.2±7.51 years old. Of participants, 49.6% completed CRC screening and age of non-screening group was significantly older than that of screening group (x2=35.31, p<.001). The screening group showed higher levels of CRC knowledge (t=3.76, p<.001) and cancer preventive behaviors (t=2.68, p=.008) than non-screening group. Age (B=0.15) and CRC knowledge (B=-0.36) were identified as influencing factors on the CRC screening. Health literacy (β=.37) and CRC knowledge (β=.30) were found as the most influencing factors on the cancer preventive behaviors.
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Table 1.
Colorectal Cancer Self-management Behaviors by Characteristics of Participants (N=121)
Table 2.
Colorectal Cancer Knowledge, Health Literacy, and Colorectal Cancer Self-Management Behaviors (N=121)
Table 3.
Correlations between Colorectal Cancer Knowledge, Health Literacy, and Cancer Preventive Behaviors (N=121)
Variables | CRC knowledge | Health literacy | Cancer preventive behaviors |
Variables | r (p) | r (p) | r (p) |
CRC knowledge | 1 | .04 (.701) | .32 (<.001) |
Health literacy | 1 | .38 (<.001) | |
Cancer preventive behaviors | 1 |
Table 4.
Factors Influencing Colorectal Cancer Screening using Stepwise Logistic Analysis (N=121)