Journal List > Korean J Pediatr Infect Dis > v.8(2) > 1096365

Lee, Park, and Sohn: Immunogenicity and S afe ty of a Two Doses of Hepatitis A Vaccine (VAQTATM) in Healthy Children and Adolescents


Purpose :

To assess the immunogenicity, safety, and tolerability of hepatitis A vaccine (VAQTATM) in healthy children and adolescents.

Methods :

Eligible subjects aged 2 to 17 years received 25 U/0.5 mL of VAQTATM intramuscularly at 0 and 24 week schedule. Bleeds were obtained prior to vaccination and 4 weeks after the second dose to ascertain serostatus. To detect antibody to HAV after vaccination with an inactivated HA vaccine, a modification of the Abbott® HAVAB kit was used. Sample with titers > 10 mIU/mL were considered seroconverted. Adverse experiences were monitored.

Results :

102 subjects(54 male, 48 female) were enrolled. The mean age was 6.8±3.5 years. Two subjects were seropositive, two were lost of follow up. 88 subjects were available for a per protocol analysis and 90 for all subjects with serology after the second dose, and ten withdral. All subjects(95% CI, 94.8〜 100) seroconverted. Geometric mean titers was 7,991.1(95% CI, 6,481.1〜9,852.7) with very little difference in per protocol analysis and all subjects analysis. Adverse experiences to VAQTATM were generally mild and transient.

Conclusion :

The pediatric two-dose regimen of VAQTATM was found to be highly im- munogenic, generally well tolerated and resulted in 100% seroconversion. Regarding Korea is in transition from a high to low risk region resulting in a paradox increase of clinical disease and disease burden, routine vaccination should be considered in order to control hepatitis A effectively.

Fig. 1.
Diagram for number of subjects.
Table 1.
Sero posit iv ity Rate and Geometric Mean Titers
Week 28 SPR GMT(titer)
PP(n=88) 100%(94.8~100.0) 7,991.1(6,481.2~9,852.7) mlU/mL
AS(n=90) 100%(94.9~100.0) 7,906.4(6,437.2~9,710.8) mlU/mL

PP : Per-protocol analysis, AS : All subj ects with serology analysis, SPR : Seropositivity rate, GMT : Geometric mean titer

Table 2.
Summary of Adverse Experiences
  Number of subjects
Subjects Entered 102
Subjects follow-up 102(100.0%)
Subjects without adverse experience 0(0.0%)
Subjects with adverse experiences 14(13.7%)
Subjects with vaccine-related adverse experiences 8(7.8%)
Subjects with serious adverse experiences 0(0.0%)
Subjects discontinued due to adverse experiences 0(0.0%)
Subjects died 0(0.0%)
Table 3.
Number(%) of Reported Vaccine-related Adverse Experiences (AE) by 14 Days after Inject ion
  Number of reported subjects(%)
First dose Second dose Total
Number of subj ects 102 100 102
Local reactions 0(0.0%) 3(3.0%) 3(2.9%)
    Pain 0(0.0%) 2(2.0%) 2(2.0%)
    Pruritus 0(0.0%) 1(1.0%) 1(1.0%)
Systemic reactions 4(3.9%) 2(2.0%) 5(4.9%)
    Tinnitus 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%)
    Diarrhea 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%)
    Nausea 1(0.9%) 1(1.0%) 2(2.0%)
    Vomiting 1(0.9%) 0(0.0%) 1(1.0%)
Cough, Sore throat 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%)
    Fatigue 3(2.9%) 1(1.0%) 3(2.9%)
    Asthenia 1(0.9%) 1(1.0%) 1(1.0%)
    Headache 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%)
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