Journal List > Int J Thyroidol > v.11(1) > 1095054

Choi and Ahn: A Case of Zenker's Diverticulum Mimicking a Right Side Thyroid Nodule


Zenker's diverticulum, a pulsion diverticulum of the hypopharynx, is a rare lesion that commonly occurs in left side of hypopharynx. The incidence of esophageal diverticula is much lower than that of focal lesions or nodules of thyroid. In an ultrasonography, the outpouching just like a focal thyroid lesion, may present as an oval or circular structure. The food remnants or gas bubbles present in the diverticulum may mimic microcalcifications presented in papillary thyroid carcinoma. We reported a case of right side Zenker's diverticulum mimicking a thyroid cancer in thyroid ultrasonography.


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Fig. 1.
The axial (A) and longitudinal (B) US scan of right thyroid lobe shows 17×12×18 mm sized isoechoic nodule with micro-and macrocalcification. The arrow shows communication of nodule and esophagus (C).
Fig. 2.
(A, B) This esophago-gastroscopy shows an outpouching lesion of upper esophagus. E: esophagus, Z: Zenker’ s diverticulum
Fig. 3.
The esophagography confirms a barium filled sac projecting from the upper esophagus, posterior aspects.(A) Barium filling view, (B) mucosal relief view. Arrow: Zenker's diverticulum.
Table 1.
Literature review of ultrasonography of esophageal diverticulum
Reference Year Age/Sex Location Size (cm) Sonographic findings
Echogenicity Internal echogenic foci Boundary hypoechoic zone Posterior shadowing
Kim et al.2) 2012 55/F Left 4.0 Hypoechoic Present Present Present
    50/M Left 1.2 Hypoechoic Present Present Present
    55/M Left 1.2 Hypoechoic Present Present Present
    59/F Left 1.7 Hypoechoic Present Present Present
Cao et al.9) 2016 40/F Left 1.3 Hypoechoic Present Present Absent
Mimatsu et al.10) 2013 77/F Left 3.0 Isoechoic Present Present Present
Pang et al.11) 2009 54/M Left 1.1 Hypoechoic Present Present Absent
Kwak and Kim12) 2006 61/F Left 2.1 Isoechoic Present Present Present
    56/F Left 2.0 Isoechoic Present Present Present
    70/F Left 3.3 Hypoechoic Present Present Present
    65/M Right 1.0 Hypoechoic Present Present Present
    60/F Left 0.7 Round Absent Absent Absent
    26/F Left 0.8 Round Absent Absent Absent
Present study 2017 74/M Right 1.7 Isoechoic Present Present Present

F: female, M: male

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