Journal List > Korean J Adult Nurs > v.26(3) > 1094551

Kim and Lee: Development of Health Dieting Competency Scale for College Students



This study was to develop a Health Dieting Competency (HDC) scale to assess self-rated health dieting competence of college students.


The scale was developed as follows: items generated, and tests of validity and reliability. Items were developed through a literature review, review of instruments, and interviews. A panel of four experts reviewed the scale for content validity. Factor analysis, Pearson correlation, descriptive statistics and Cronbach's α were used to analyze the data (N=183).


In the preliminary stage, thirty-three items were generated. Final items were fourteen that were selected through exploratory factor analysis. The HDC scale was consisted with five factors and fourteen items that were Goal-Directed (5-items), Health Support (2-items), Health Self-Efficacy (3-items), Health Perception (2-items), and Escaping from Health (2-items). The internal consistency of HDC as measured by Cronbach's α was .78.


Content validity, construct validity, and reliability of the HDC were established. The HDC scale is a reliable and valid instrument for early adulthood youth who are willing to assess health dieting competency.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1

Process of developing health dieting competency scale.

Table 1

Construct Concepts of Items in Health Dieting Competency

Table 2

Item Description by Theoretical and Empirical Concepts in Health Dieting Competency

Table 3

Factor Loading of Health Dieting Competency

Table 4

Factor Naming for Health Dieting Competency

Table 5

Internal Reliability of Health Dieting Competency


CI_TC=corrected item-total correlation; ID=item deleted.


This work was supported by a Research Grant of Pukyong National University(2014Year).


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