Journal List > Korean J Adult Nurs > v.26(1) > 1094528

Ji and Kim: Effect of the Laughter Therapy Combined with Cognitive Reinforcement Program for the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of laughter therapy and cognitive reinforcement program on self-efficacy, depression and cognitive functions of the elderly with mild cognitive impairments (MCI).


The study design was a non-equivalent control group pre and posttest design. Thirty-six subjects over the age of 65 with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment were assigned either to a treatment or a comparison group. Data were collected from February 7 to March 27, 2012 in the dementia supporting center. An eight week treatment program that included laughter therapy coupled with a cognitive reinforcing program including hand exercise, laughter dance routine, laughter technic and cognitive training for attention, memory, orientation and execution skill.


MoCA-K (t=-6.86, p<.001) and Stroop test CW correct (t=-2.54, p=.008), self-efficacy (t=-3.62, p=.001) in the treatment group were significantly higher than those of the comparison group. Reported depression (t=2.29, p=.014), Stroop test CW error (U=53.50, p<.001) in the treatment group was significantly less than the comparison group.


In this study, the treatment was effective in improving self-efficacy, cognitive function and reducing depression in the elderly with MCI.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
The Laughter Therapy Combined with Cognitive Reinforcement Program

Rest for 10 min after laughter therapy, every weeks.

Table 2
Homogeneity Test of General Characteristics (N=36)

Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

Table 3
Homogeneity Test of Dependent Variables at the Baseline. (N=36)

Exp.=experimental group, Cont.=control group; MoCA-K=The Korean version of montreal cognitive assessment.

t-test; Mann-Whitney U test.

Table 4
Effect of the Laughter Therapy Combined with Cognitive Reinforcement Program on Dependent Variables in Experimental Group and Control Group (N=36)

Exp.=experimental group, Cont.=control group; MoCA-K=The Korean version of montreal cognitive assessment.

t-test; Mann-Whitney U test; §Mann-Whitney U test.


This manuscript is based on a part of the first author's doctoral dissertation from Ewha Womans University.


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