Journal List > J Severance Union Med Coll > v.1(1) > 1093701

FOUND and PAK: Morbidity Among Koreans Living in the Seoul Area
This paper is an attempt to classify the various types of diseases seen in the out-patient and in-patient services at the S. U. M. C., which draws its clientele from the city of Seoul, where 251, 288 Koreans live, and the province of Keiki, in which there is a population of 1,902,861 (1930). A few also are from distant parts of Korea. The method of compiling them was to take the in-patient diagnoses over a period of four consecutive years and classify them according to the method approved by the China Medical Association several years ago. It was hoped that they would total approximately 10,000 cases. After deducting cases in which no diagnosis was made and non-Korean cases, the number was found to be deficient and sufficient diagnoses were added from the next following year. Thus the cases studied cover a period from April 1, 1927, to July 3, 1931. Due to minor corrections the number of cases is not exactly 10,000 as we had planned.
For comparison it was also desired to get 10,000 cases in the O. P. D., so the diagnoses made in each department during 1931 were compiled and added together. During the course of this work secondary diagnoses were also compiled, but it is thought that these are of no value for statistical purposes. The number of cases in the year beginning January 1, 1931, was 16,436. Dr. Ludlow has shown that the distribution of cases both in the Out-patient Department and in our hospital corresponds closely with the age-sex distribution of the population as revealed in the 1925 census. We are thus dealing with cross section of the population in general. Dental Department statistics have not been included.
These statistics are subject to the usual discepancies, such as faulty or deficient diagnoses while the addition of those not included for various reasons might slightly alter the percentages. It is only because no such statistics are available that I am presenting them in their present form.
The doctors making them included nine trained in schools in North America, one each in Europe, Australia, China and Tokyo Imperial University, and the rest in Semmon Gakko, mostly our own graduates.
The original idea in doing this work was to get comparative figures showing (1) the relative incidence of common diseases in hospital and dispensary ; (2) by tabulating all diseases to be able to note what diseases were absent or rare; (3) to check up on preconceived ideas of the relative frequency of various diseases and be able to answer students' questions about such matters. It is interesting to note that the health division of the League of Nations is interested in the morbidity statistics of Eastern Asia and at the present time have a representative in Shanghai collecting and tabulating such information. Our hospital is planning to cooperate in this work [Table 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19].
The four years of in-patient work cover a long enough period to get all ordinary variations of climate. The maximum and minimum temperatures for Seoul are from -23.1℃. to 37.5℃. while mean summer temperature is 16.1℃. Mean winter temperature is 5.9℃. The last year saw also the beginning of marked economic depression, which was still more evident in the year 1931, in which the out-patient review was conducted. External trade of Korea dropped from 366 to 266 million yen in three years.
   I. The column recording secondary diagnoses shows only the two middle years of in-patient diagnoses and serves to show certain lesions which occur rarely or not at all as a cause of hospitalization. For instance, trichuris is almost universal but apparently causes no trouble. The out-patient diagnoses are of course less reliable in that many of them were not confirmed due to the habit of many patients who make the rounds seeing various doctors once only. Certain diseases such as oxyuriasis and scabies only appear here.
   II. In considering the acute infections it is necessary to consider that a large number of these were admitted after a diagnosis was made and that they therefore appear on both sides of the page. There is no practical way of correcting this as some patients are admitted direct. Among chronic specific infections we see 1006 definitely tuberculous infections in the out-patient alone. If to this we add those labelled as dry and effusive pleurisy and the early cases classed as apex infiltration or pulmonary hemorrhage we have much more than the 6% suggested by these figures.
   IV. The large number of burns, frequently from children sitting into charcoal fires, is notable, as well as the frost bites seen in a large city.
   V. For the past three years we have been collecting data on malignant tumors. These will be reported later.
   VII. Caustic soda or caustic potash is a favorite means of attempting suicide, especially among young women, and since the soda is freely sold in small lots children often eat it as candy.
   VIII. Here the out-patient records are especially valuable in showing that practically every type of eye, ear and nose disease is encountered in our clinic. Trachoma and acute tonsillitis and middle ear disease are most common.
   IX. Gastro enteritis with and without parasites is very common.
   X. Valvular lesions are quite common, while hypertension is rare.
   XI. The marked prevalence of moderate anemia is not at all indicated by these figures. Primary anemias are very rare.
   XVIII. Skin diseases are as indicated both varied and numerous.

Figures and Tables

[Table 1]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930 Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
A. Protozoal
1 19 1. Amebic Dysentery 6 15 14 12
18 Amebic Abscess of the liver 7 o 1 2
27 2. Other Protozoal bowel infections
2 42 3. Malaria 7 7 23 20 6
4. Kala-azar
1 5. Lambliasis
B. Metazoal
1. Cestodes
15 65 Tenia 6 9 7 29
2. Trematodes
4 55 Paragonimus 3 11 6 3 12
Schistosoma Japonicum
3. Nematodes
1 Trichuris 207
70 128 Ascaris 5 24 124 86 253
89 181 Ankylostoma 157 280 261 284 364
11 44 Oxyuris 1
Trichostrongylus Orientalis 5
4. Filariasis 2 1 1 4
C. Ticks. Insects and Flies
21 648 Scabies
2 Pediculosis
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 2]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930 Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
A. Acute
105 1. Typhoid Fevers 23 67 108 106
16 2. Typhus 1 1 7
3. Relapsing Fever
(a )4. Small Pox
9 5. Chicken Pox 1 1 2
9 6. Scarlet Fever 5 14 40 18
t-r 7. Measles 4 6 8 5
8. German Measles 1 3
2 44 9. Mumps 6 3 2 3
144 10. Whooping Cough 5 7 4 3
1 47 11. Influenza 2 16 34 57
12. Dengue
13. Infectious Jaundice
14. Cerebrospinal Fever 1
38 15. Pneumonia-Lobar 8 20 46 41 4
12 16. Diphtheria 18 15 28 35
5 60 17. Erysipelas 13 6 18 17 4
18. Septicaemia 3 1 9 8 4
20 19. Rheumatic Fever 4 3 2 6
20. Cholera
21. Plague
2 22. Bacillary Dysentery 6 1 2 2
23. Undulant Fever
24. Hydrophobia 1
1 25. Tetanus 1 1 2
26. Glandular Fever
27. Sand Fly Fever
28. Rat Bite Fever
201 Colds and Undiagnosed Fevers 3 9 12 13
B. Sub-acute and Chronic
1 1. Anthrax 1 1
2. Actinomycosis
23 3. Syphilis Congenital 1 4
6 Primary 1 2 3
6 125 Secondary 2 3 3 3
8 79 Condyloma
3 124 Tertiary 6 15 9 13 13
4. Gonorrhea (except genital in-
2 24 Arthritis 11 4 8 9
5. Tuberculosis Meninges 2 2 4 10
22 502 Pulmonary 23 43 75 114 3
7 11 Laryngeal 3 3 4 8
6 Pleurisy 2 3 8 5
1 Tuberculous empyema 3 5
20 49 Peritonitis 6 7 16 30
8 9 Intestinal 1 5 3 n
7 Kidney 1 4 6
5 Cystitis 3 3 10
1 3 Testicle 1 2 6
2 5 Mesenteric 4 6 3 7
3 74 G1 andular-cervical 2 5 6 10
3 5 axillary 1 2 3
1 Inguinal 1 1
6 84 Bone 11 16 21 21
26 Joints#x2003; Hip 14 19 14 17
9    Knee 2 6 3 8
7    Ankle 2 3 2 1
1    Shoulder
I 5    Elbow 1
1 2    Wrist 1
5 4 Cold Abscess 1 2 2
24 6. Leprosy 1 2
21 320 7. Focal infection
Blastomyces 1
11 8. Skin tuberculosis
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 3]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930
4 1 Leg 1 3 4 1
11 2 Mouth 8 6 4 8
3 Nose 2 2
4 Ear 2
6 5 Arm 1
16 6 Infantile sex organ
1 7 Bicornuate uterus
1 8 Night blindness
9 Neck 1 1
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 4]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930 Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
51 1. Fractures-simple-arm 13 20 11 10
14 leg 21 18 8 16
3 ribs 3 2 3 1
skull 3 6 1 1
12 other 5 6
7 Fractures-compound-arm 1 3
3 leg 2 11 4 3
1 ribs
skull 1
other 1 2 8
1 142 2. 2Wounds Contused 45 43 43 42 5
1 72 Incised 6 2 2 5
2 91 Lacerated 25 22 18 27 7
7 Punctured 3 2 4
2 Gun shot 2 1
1 8 Stab 5 2
3 Hematoma 2 1 12 8
1 Rupture of Hollow Viscus
3. Other Traumata
7 Dislocations-Shoulder
2 Elbow 1 2 1 1
4 Hip 1 1
6 Other joints 3 2 4 2
25 Sprains
2 121 Burns
2 Contractures from Burns 12 9 15 22
18 Other contractures and scars 4 1 1
49 Frost bite 5 11 8 7
29 Foreign bodies in tissues 1 3 1
2 Gangrene from compound fracture 2 1 2 3
Concussion of brain
Cerebral Haemorrhage 1 1 2
3 8 2 4 7
3 3 6 6
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 5]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929 to July 3, 1930
A. Benign
3 1. Lipoma 1 1 3
14 2. Fibroma 3 4 6
3. Chondroma
3 4. Osteoma 1
5. Maxillary tumors dental origin
6. Myxoma 2
6 7. Myoma 1
8. Nueromo 1 1
2 5 9. Angioma 1 2
1 10. Lymphangioma
2 2 11. Haemangioma 1 1
B. Malignant
10 1. Sarcoma 4 17
2 2. Epithelioma 10 . 5 7 2
3. Carcinoma
Bladder 1 1 2
13 Uterus 3 4 2 5 2
2 48 Stomach 8 14 27 32
1 12 Liver 4 10 13 18
10 Breast 2 4 3 6
1 57 Other 12 6 12 16
23 4. Ovarian cyst 7 14 9 16
86 5. Other 18 19 11 28
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 6]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930 Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
16 154 1 Beri-beri 1 5 6
2 Scurvy 1
13 3 Diabetes mellitus 1 4 5 13
4 Diabetes insipidus 1
5 Osteomalacia
6 Rickets
7 Keratomal acia
1 32 8 Rheumatoid arthritie 1 2 10 5
9 Gout
10 Metabolism test 2
1 1 11 Obesity 2 5
2 12 Marasmus 5
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 7]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929 to July 3, 1930
2 1. Drugs-chronic-alcohol 1 2 1
    opium 2 1
5 2     morphine 3 12 1 3
    cincophen 1
2. Drugs-acute-opium 1 3 2
    Delirium tremens
3 3. Phosphorus 4 4 4
4. Lead
2 5. Arsenic 2
28 6. Acids and Alkalies (caustic soda) 19 12 13 20
2 7. Food poisoning
8. Bites and stings of insects, etc. 1 1 4
9. Sunstroke 1
3 10. Hay fever
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 8]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930 Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
A. Eye and Appendages
1 5 1. Lids. Eczema
42 41 Blepharitis
11 40 Hordeolum 1
22 Chalazion
3 6 Entropion 1 3 4 12
10 Ectropion Lagophthal mia 3 4
2 Ptosis
176 2. Conjunctivitis. Acute 1
17 119 Chronic
75 Phlyctenular
17 Follicular
24 Gonorrheal 3 8 1 10
1 Tubercular
1 Ophthalmia Neonatorum
52 187 Trachoma 4 5 5 5
7 38 Pterygium 2 2
1 2 Xerosis 2
2 3. Lacrimal Apparatus Occlusion oi Puncta
1 6 Dacryocystitis-Acute 2
2 Chronic 1
8 Lacrimal abscess
4. Cornea
61 Ulcer Catarrhal 1 3
2 15 Phlyctenular
O Central
23 10 Perforating 1
2 35 Staphyloma 1 1
6 Keratitise Lagophthal mo
3 53 Interstitial Keratitis Keratectasia 1 1 5
28 Leucoma 2
5. Iris
Iritis Syphilitic
7 Plastic
8 20 Irido-cyclitis chronic 1 1
8 traumatic
6. Chorioid
1 2 Disseminated Chorioditis
Rupture of Chorioid
2 3 7. Panophthalmitis 5 10 8 8
1 8. Lens. Dislocation 1
35 Cataract 7 9 21 11 1
4 16 Opacity
9. Sclerotic. Episcleritis
14 Contusion
10. Retina. Embolism of
Central Artery
Thrombosis of
Central Vein
Detachment of Retina
9 Retinitis-Syphilitec
1 Albuminuric 1
1 11. Optic Nerve. Atrophy
7 Optic Neuritis 1
1 Choked Disc
2 12. Orbit. Tumors 4 1
2 2 13. Glaucoma 2 1
1 145 14. Error of Refraction 1
2 15. Strabismus 2 2
28 16. Foreign body in eye
B. Ear
1. Auricle Trauma
1 31 Otitis externa
11 . 76 2. External meatus furuncle 1 2 3
5 foreign body
34 wax
4 polyp
3 34 eczema
2- 3. Otosclerosis
4. Middle and Internal Ear
4 23 Perforation of drum
8 O.M.P.A. 4 2
7 154 O.M.P.C 7 5 6 10 8
1 7 Tinnitus
2 7 Deafness
2 39 Tubotympanitis
1 9 5. Mastoid-Acute Mastoiditis
4 Chronic 20 18 15 17
22 6. Catarrh of Eustachian tube
C. Nose
3 Varicosity of septum
4 7 Deviation of septum 3 5
9 98 Rhinitis 1 1 3
3 22 Nasal Polyp 1 2 1
13 109 Hypertrophy of Turbinates 4 1 6 4
13 Sinusitis 7 7 12 7
8 Hemorrhage 2 3 8 1
2 Foreign body 1
5 29 Eczema
6 Ozena
D. Mouth
2 97 Stomatitis 1
3 22 Glossitis 2
11 18 Pyorrhoea 4 4 7 1
9 Vincents Angina 2 5 1
6 Noma 4 3 2 14
1 22 Aphthous stomatitis
Salivary glands
4 Ranula
17 Parotitis
14 57 Pharyngitis 1 1 6 6 2
70 Retropharyngeal abscess 5 2 8 2
166 Tonsilitis Acute 7 6 12 5 1
29 86 Chronic 9 10 29 12
9 57 Hypertrophy of T. and A. 14 17 25 25
70 Peritonsilar abscess 4 1 5 5 2
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 9]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930 Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
1 35 1. Oesophagus-Stricture 5 7 2 4
14 Foreign body
21 389 2. Stomach-Gastritis 29 49 63 96 2
2 116 Ulcers 7 28 17 23
8 20 Obstruction 2 2 2
2 6 Gastroptosis 2 3 1 2
2 29 Hyperacidity
1 6 Hypoacidity
5 3. Duodenal ulcer 2 2
5 4. Small intestine-Obstruction 2 7 4 3
2 Spasm 1 1 1
4 Intussusception 3 o 5 1 2
28 57 Enteritis 4 29 28 45 15
396 Dyspepsia in children 2
11 5. Appendix Acute Catarrhal 4 8 21 17
2 " Suppurative 3 1 2 3
3 Abscess circumscribed 2
General peritonitis 1 2 8
2 9 Chronic appendix 4 3 1 2
10 154 6. Colon-Colitis 9 16 24 23
3 7. Rectum-Prolapse 1 4 7 2
Abscess 7 2 17 10
5 Proctitis
9 77 8. Anus-Haemorrhoid 25 13 4
7 72 Fistula 17 18 6 5
27 Fissure
3 33 9. Liver-Cirrhosis 13 18 19 22
2 15 Abscess 7 15 18 19 2
8 Acute Hepatitis
5 Congestion of liver
10 10. Bile passages-Cholecystitis 2 3 2
1 20 Gall stones 1 6 7 10
1 9 Jaundice 2 6 i
3 Cholangitis 2
4 11. Pancreas 1
4 12. Peritoneum-Local peritonitis
3 12 General " 12 12 14 19 4
1 Hernia-U mbil ical 3 2 2
4 44 Inguinal 24 17 24 29
2 Ventral
5 14 13. Ascites 2 13 6 8
28 53 14. Constipation 1
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 10]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929 to July 3, 1930
A. Pericardium 1 2 1 1 2
B. Heart
1. Angina pectoris 1 1 2
2 2 2. Cardiac asthma 2 1 1
3 33 3. Endocarditis 1 5 7 3
4 34 4. Myocarditis 1 10 9 11
20 185 5. Valvular lesions 8 20 28 38
6 6. Functional (cardalgia)
Heart block
3 Auricular fibrillation 3
1 13 7. Tachycardia 1 1
1 8 8. Arrhythmia 1
C. Arteries
7 16 (c) 1. Arteriosclerosis 1
2 2. Aneurism 2 2
19 3. Thrombo-angitis obliterans 4 3 7 13
4. Pulmonary embolism
6 5. Arteritis
D. Veins
4 1. Varicose veins 1
1 2. Varicocele
3 3. Phlebitis and thrombosis 2 2 1 1 2
E. Lymph Vessels
63 1. Adenitis (non-specific) 5 11 15 13
4 14 2. Lymphangitis 2 1
3. Elephantiasis 2 1
1 13 F. Cardiorenal and uremia 5
3 6 G. Hypertension
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 11]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930
A. Blood
16 1. Anemia-Primary 4 1 6 3
34 Secondary 1 11 10 20
2. Leukemia 1 3 1
1 3. Hodgkin's Disease 2 1
2 11 4. Purpura 1 3 2
5. Haemophilia
B. Spleen
1 1. Splenomegaly 1
2. Infections
C. Thyroid and Parathyroid
1 4 1. Hyperthyroidism 2
2. Hypothyroidism 1 1
3 3. Myxoedema 1
1 4 4. Simple goitre 1 3
4 5. Toxic goitre 2
D. Thymus
E. Suprarenal 1
F. Pituitary
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 12]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930
24 441 1 Deep abscesses 79 62 91 114 13
2 2 Ganglion of Wrist
18 3 Myositis 2 2
6 4 Gangrene 6 4 6 10 6
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 13]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929 to July 3, 1930
35 A. Biogenic psychoses
4  Melancholia 1 2 2
7  Schizophrenia 4
 Paranoid state 1 1 1
27  Functional headache 1
B. Insanity associated with organic disease (or poisons) 1 1
5  Manic depressive
1  Chorea 1
16  Epilepsy 2 6 1 2
283  Neurasthenia 4 18 6 26
6  Hysteria 2 5 6 10
 Migraine 1
 Functional aphasia 1
 Other psychoneurotic conditions 1 1 4 9
Brain and meninges
2  Brain gumma
 Brain tumor 2
 Brain abscess
3  Brain distoma 2 1 3
8  Enc. Lethargica 1 2 4
2  Fredericks ataxia
13  Hemiplegia 1 1 3 1
 Hydrocephalus 1 2
 Congenital brain injury
7  Brain injury (Jacksonian epilepsy) 2*
Spinal cord and meninges
 Cord sclerosis (subacute combined) 1 1
 Spinal tumor
 Spinal gumma
15  Anterior poliomyelitis
 Progressive nerve atrophy
 Progressive nerve dystrophy
3  Meningitis 18 13 16 13
 Spinal caries 1 3
8 (5 + 3)  Myelitis, traumatic and syphylitic 1 2
 Tabes dorsalis 1 1
 Spinal injury
Peripheral nerves neuritis
3  Neuritis-intercostal
3     radial
10     facial
68     sciatic 4
5  Neuralgia 1 16 10 15
 Peripheral neuritis 1 2 12 6
Vegetative nervous system
2 25 Herpes Zoster
1 Raynaud's disease
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 14]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930 Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
1 62 1. Bones-Osteom yelitis 25 33 34 47 1
1 27 Periostitis 1 4 15 12
4 115 2. Joints-arthritis non specific 3 14 17 23
3 1 3. Kyphosis
3 4. Ankylosis 2 1 3
17 5. Flat foot
2 6. Equinovarus
3 7. Drop foot
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 15]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930
A. Larynx
18 1. Acute laryngitis 1 4 4 3
4 24 2. Chronic 1
3. Foreign body in larynx
2 4. Oedema 1 1
B. Bronchi
131 1. Bronchitis Acute 7 6 9 10 3
22 173 Chronic 8 10 12 13 6
5 2. Bronchiectasis 1 2
5 45 3. Bronchial asthma 13 15 10 9
2 4. Pulmonary haemorrhage 1
1 5. Bronchial fistula
C. Lungs
49 172 1. Apex infiltration or catarrh 2
51 2. Bronchopneumonia 34 29 46 51 22
3. Interstitial pneumonia 1 2 2
2 5 4. Emphysema 1
3 6 5. Abscess of lung 5 13 10 12 1
1 6. Gangrene 4 1 2
D. Pleura
30 239 1. Pleurisy-non tuberculous 24 38 50 74 12
2 17 2. Empyeraa-non tuberculous 20 29 25 26 9
1 3 3- Pneumothorax 3 2 2 1 3
3 6 4. Hydrothorax 1
E. A flections of the Mediastinum
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 16]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930
A. Pregnancy and associated conditions
13 147 (b) 1. Normal parturition 60 46 62 90
(b)2. Newborn child 60 50 66 95
9 3. Abortion and miscarriage 6 4 8 9
1 4. Dystocia 3 3 6 2
1 5. Prematurity 5 8 3 4
6. Delayed labor 1 2 7
7. Retained placenta 3 4 1 2
8. Eclampsia 1 2
1 9. Extra uterine pregnancy 1
3 10. Puerperal fever 2 2 3
3 11 11. Relaxed pelvic floor
2 44 12. Parametritis (pelvic inflammation) 2
B. Genital System
34 53 1. Ovaries -Oopharitis 2 3 2 6
2 9 2. Tubes-Salpingitis 1 1 2 3
5 4 Occlusion
48 61 3. Uterus-Endometritis 9 8 2 13 5
9 Fibroid 1 1 2
4 30 Subinvolution 1 1
58 357 Displacement 46 37 39 51
3 4. Cervix-Cervical polyp
47 10 Erosion 1 1
70 52 Endocervicitis 5 6 8 4 6
58 24 Tom cervix 2 3 3 8 6
21 5. Vagina-Atresia 6 7 14 10 11
32 36 Vaginitis 1 1 1 1
4 63 Gonorrhoea 1 4 6 6
9 Occlusion 1 1 1
6. External genitalia
5 Bartholin's abscess 1 1
25 8 Relaxed perineum 1 5
32 18 Ruptured 4 2 6
1 7 Vulvitis
2 Chancroid
7. Not localized
2 Amenorrhoea 1
2 15 Dysmenorrhoea 4
1 7 Menopause
Urinary System
1 7 1. Kidneys-Nephrosis 5 4 3 9
18 Nephritis-Acute 7 12 1 4
1 23 Chronic 9 19 17 35
1 7 2. Ureter-Pyelitis 1 4 5 5
7 3. Bladder-Fistula 10 13 12 16
11 28 Cystitis 5 5 10 11 5
1 Enuresis 2 4
5 9 4. Urethra-Urethritis
Urethral caruncle 1 1
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 17]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929 to July 3, 1930
A. Genital System
3 3 1. Testes-Orchitis 1 2 4
2 Abscess 1 1
50 25 2. Epididymes-Epididymitis 10 5 1 4 5
8 Hydrocele 3 4 3 4 1
3. Vesiculitis
4. Vasa
6 8 5. Prostatitis 1
6. External genitals
197 Acute gonorrhoea 5 15 8 5
Venereal wart
14 Chancroid 1
16 67 Simple phimosis 12 8 12 6
6 Septic phimosis
31 217 Chronic gonorrhoea 9 8 5 6 4
13 30 Urethritis and balanitis
B. Urinary System
30 1. Kidneys-Nephritis Acute 9 18 48 29 7
5 70 Chronic 9 25 29 26 4
5 Pyelitis 1 1 1
1 Perinephritic abscess 1 2
2 Suppression of urine
Kidney stone 1 1 2
2. Ureter
10 19 3. Bladdei-Cystitis 9 11 9 2 8
1 Vesical calculus 2
3 8 4. Urethra-Stricture 2 1 5
Spasmodic stricture
1 Urethral calculus 1 1 1 1
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 18]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930 Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
A. Tegumentary
45 14 1. Skin pellagra Dermatitis 2 1 22 1
317 23 16 36
9 60 Pruritis 6 6
3 Kerion 1
16 2. Sebaceous and sweat glands
3 3. Nails 1
2 25 4. Bites of animals 1
21 5. Corns
12 55 6. Acne vulgaris
125 549 7. Impetigo contagiosa
7 ]23 8. Eczema seborrhoeicum
1 37 9. Psoriasis vulgaris
1 21 10. Vitiligo
20 129 11. Trichophyton
2 29 12. Pityriasis
3 73 13. Lichen
7 14. Prurigo
4 47 15. Pompholyx
4 40 16. Alopecia
1 4 17. Molluscum contagiosum
1 8 18. Ichthyosis
10 19. Erythema multiformis
4 20. Sycosis barbae
195 21. Other skin diseases 20 3
B. Subcutaneous
134 1. Non-specific-ulcers 8 4 17 15
66 2. Carbuncles 25 16 11 25
43 592 3. Superficial abscesses 62 32 24 35
2 17 4. Cellulitis 11 8 6 18
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293
[Table 19]


Outpatients (1931) Inpatients
Primary Diagnosis Secondary Diagnosis 2 years only
Secondary Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis Apr. 1, 1926-Mar. 31, 1927 Apr. 1, 1927-Mar. 31, 1928 Apr. 1, 1928-Mar. 31, 1929 Apr. 1, 1929-Mar. 31, 1930
1 Perthes disease
Parkinson's disease 1
Herm apbrodite 1 4
1 Hemochromatosis
Banti's disease 2
Paget's disease 1
General debility 1
Eosinophilia 63
Wisdom tooth In antrum 1
1 Spina bifida
1 Infantile beriberi
2 Typhoid spine
2 Miliary tuberculosis
2 Endocrine disturbance
1 Incarceration of pregnant uterus
1 Acidosis 2
2 Blepharospasm
1.960 16.436 TOTALS 9.544 1.293

(a) A few smallpox cases are at once sent to the government isolation hospital and do not appear in our records. Other infectious exanthemata may not appear in our records for the same reason. Morphine addicts may also be sent elsewhere.

(b) Normal parturition and newborn children have been subtracted from the total of inpatients for calculating percentages.

(c) Arteriosclerosis is quite common.


This is Article 100, issued by the Research Department of the Severance Union Medical College.

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