Journal List > J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg > v.38(2) > 1091712

Park, Choi, and Kim: Study on the position of the posterior superior alveolar artery in relation to the performance of the maxillary sinus bone graft procedure in a Korean population



This study sought to investigate the positioning of the posterior superior alveolar artery in relation to the performance of the maxillary sinus bone graft procedure in a Korean population.

Materials and Methods

We identified the position of the posterior superior alveolar artery relative to 93 maxillary sinuses in 58 patients and determined the distance from the inferior border of the artery in the premolar and molar areas to the alveolar ridge and sinus floor.


The mean distance from the alveolar ridge to the posterior superior alveolar artery in the dentate group (20.62±3.05 mm in the premolar region, 17.50±2.84 mm in the molar region) was greater than as compared to the edentulous group (18.83±2.79 mm in the premolar region, 15.50±1.64 mm in the molar region), and this difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). In contrast, there was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) between the mean distance from the sinus floor to the posterior superior alveolar artery in the dentate group (8.21±2.79 mm in the premolar region, 7.52±2.07 mm in the molar region) or in the edentulous group (7.75±3.31 mm in the premolar region, 7.97±2.31 mm in the molar region).


Prior to surgery, it is important to evaluate the position of the posterior superior maxillary artery by using computed tomography scans. The premolar area is safer than the molar area for performing the maxillary sinus bone graft without bleeding.


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Fig. 1.
Schematic representation of the cross-sectional view of the maxillary sinus. The bone canal is intraosseous anastomosis from the posterior superior alveolar artery (arrow indicates intraosseous anastomosis).
Fig. 2.
Schematic representation of sagittal section of the maxillary sinus with blood vessels. (MA: maxillary artery, IA: infra-orbital artery, PSAA: posterior superior alveolar artery, ANS: anterior nasal spine, AR: alveolar ridge)
Fig. 3.
Measurement of the distance from the alveolar ridge to the posterior superior alveolar artery on the computed tomography image.
Fig. 4.
Continuity of the posterior superior alveolar artery on the computed tomography T image.
Table 1.
Detection rate of the artery by gender
Male Female Total
Detecting site / total site (n) 18/27 33/66 51/93
Detection rate (%) 66.7 50 54.8

P=0.351 by chi-square test.

The male and female groups did not show statistically significant difference.

Table 2.
Distance of the alveolar ridge from the artery (mm)
Dentate group (n=29) Partially or fully edentulous group (n=22) Total (n=51) P-value
Molar area (mm) 17.50±2.84 15.50±1.64 16.64±2.58 0.005
Premolar area (mm) 20.62±3.05 18.83±2.79 19.85±3.04 0.037

The dentate group and partially or fully edentulous group showed statistically significant difference (P<0.05).

Values are mean±standard deviation.

Table 3.
Distance of the sinus floor from the artery (mm)
Dentate group (mm) Partially or fully edentulous group (mm) Total (mm) P-value
Molar area (n=51) 7.53±2.15 (n=29) 7.97±2.31 (n=22) 7.71±2.17 (n=51) 0.455
Premolar area (n=47) 8.21±2.79 (n=27) 7.75±3.31 (n=20) 8.01±2.99 (n=47) 0.608

The dentate group and partially or fully edentulous group did not show statistically significant difference (P>0.05).

Values are mean±standard deviation.

Table 4.
Pearson correlation analysis
Pearson correlation coefficient (r) Edentulous state Distance in P
Distance in M
Edentulous state -
Distance in P C-A -0.293* -
S-A -0.083 0.079 -
Distance in M C-A -0.388** 0.588** -0.014 -
S-A 0.105 -0.105 0.434** 0.147 -

(P : premolar area, M : molar area, C : alveolar ridge, S : sinus floor, A : posterior superior alveolar artery)

(*P<0.05, **P<0.01)

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