Journal List > Korean J Health Promot > v.15(2) > 1089869

Ock, Lim, Kim, Ryu, Yi, and Lee: Perceptions of Healthcare Workers of Health Risks of Electromagnetic Fields



This study assessed the perceptions of healthcare staff of the health risks of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF).


In total, 328 healthcare workers (e.g., physicians, nurses, medical students, and paramedics) completed a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire assessed the following: risk perceptions of 17 environmental factors as potential health threats; EMF sources; information for the potential risks of EMF; and thoughts on how to protect the public from potential EMF-related health risks.


Of the included environmental factors, high-tension power lines and mobile phone handsets were ranked as the second and fourth lowest perceived risk, respectively. Approximately 60% of respondents were concerned about the potential health risks of EMF and dissatisfied with the information they received. The main reason for dissatisfaction was insufficient information. The most frequently cited action was that the government should review the available scientific evidence on potential EMF-related health risks.


Having scientific basis through well-designed researches and providing accurate information to the public on the potential health risks of EMF will be important in the future.


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Figure 1.
Risk perception for the 17 environmental factors as potential threats to health.
Figure 2.
Sources of electromagnetic fields.
Table 1.
Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents
Classification Doctor Nurse Medical student Paramedic
N % N % N % N %
Men 29 55.8 1 1.0 104 78.2 6 16.7
Women 23 44.2 104 99.0 29 21.8 30 83.3
Age, y
20-29 31 59.6 44 41.9 132 99.2 13 37.1
30-39 19 36.5 51 48.6 1 0.8 16 45.7
40- 2 3.8 10 9.5 0 0.0 6 17.1
Education level
High school graduate or below 0 0.0 8 7.6 132 99.2 7 20.0
College graduate or above 52 100.0 97 92.4 1 0.8 28 80.0
High tension power lines from home Within visual field range 4 7.7 13 12.5 8 6.1 3 8.6
Outside visual field range 48 92.3 91 87.5 123 93.9 32 91.4
Self-rated health
Fair or below 27 51.9 79 75.2 52 39.1 31 88.6
Good or very good 25 48.1 26 24.8 81 60.9 4 11.4
Table 2.
Concerns and information on potential health risk of electromagnetic fields
Question Response Doctor Nurse Medical student Paramedic
N % N % N % N %
Have you received any information Yes 49 94.2 104 97.2 133 100.0 35 97.2
about potential health risks linked to electromagnetic fields? No 3 5.8 3 2.8 0 0.0 1 2.8
How concerned are you about the Very concerned 3 6.1 6 5.8 3 2.3 3 8.6
potential health risks of Fairly concerned 22 44.9 73 70.9 52 39.1 30 85.7
electromagnetic fields? Not very concerned 22 44.9 24 23.3 71 53.4 2 5.7
Not at all concerned 1 2.0 0 0.0 6 4.5 0 0.0
Don't know 1 2.0 0 0.0 1 0.8 0 0.0
Generally speaking, how satisfied are Very satisfied 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.8 1 2.9
you with the information you Fairly satisfied 8 17.8 14 14.6 22 18.0 8 23.5
receive about potential health risks linked to electromagnetic fields? Not very satisfied 33 73.3 68 70.8 67 54.9 16 47.1
linked to electromagnetic fields? Not at all satisfied 1 2.2 6 6.3 10 8.2 1 2.9
Don't know 3 6.7 8 8.3 22 18.0 8 23.5
Which of following reasons best Insufficient 13 38.2 41 56.2 44 57.9 11 64.7
explains why you are not satisfied Complicated and difficult 6 17.6 11 15.1 1 1.3 4 23.5
with the information you have Not objective 13 38.2 14 19.2 25 32.9 2 11.8
about the potential health risks linked to electromagnetic fields? Others 2 5.9 7 9.6 6 7.9 0 0.0
From the following, what are the two main ways you received this information about potential health risks linked to electromagnetic fields? Television program 35 47.3 86 51.5 100 45.7 24 46.2
The internet 25 33.8 57 34.1 52 23.7 15 28.8
Discussions with friends and relatives Newspapers 6 8.1 8 4.8 19 8.7 4 7.7
2 2.7 3 1.8 18 8.2 0 0.0
SNS (social network service) 1 1.4 2 1.2 16 7.3 1 1.9
Radio 2 2.7 9 5.4 1 0.5 3 20.0
Others 1 1.4 1 0.6 8 3.7 1 1.9
Magazine 1 1.4 1 0.6 3 1.4 2 3.8
Specialist publications 1 1.4 0 0.0 2 0.9 2 3.8
From the following, what are the two main ways you would prefer to receive information about potential health risks linked to electromagnetic fields? Television program 26 33.3 72 43.4 74 32.2 22 38.6
The internet 23 29.5 52 31.3 41 17.8 20 35.1
Special publications 19 24.4 11 6.6 47 20.4 5 8.8
SNS (social network service) 4 5.1 13 7.8 17 7.4 4 7.0
Newspapers 2 2.6 1 0.6 25 10.9 1 1.8
Others 0 0.0 3 1.8 13 5.7 1 1.8
Radio 2 2.6 7 4.2 4 1.7 1 1.8
Magazine 1 1.3 4 2.4 6 2.6 2 3.5
Discussions with friends and relatives 1 1.3 3 1.8 3 1.3 1 1.8
Table 3.
Appropriate organization and roles of the government to protect publics from potential health risks related to electromagnetic fields
Question Response Doctor Nurse Medical student Paramedic
N % N % N % N %
Which of following groups is most reliable to estimate the potential health risks linked to electromagnetic fields? Medical and pharmacological academics 32 68.1 37 39.8 88 71.5 10 32.3
Research institute (public or private) 8 17.0 28 30.1 14 11.4 13 41.9
Academics (except medical and pharmacological) 5 10.6 8 8.6 13 10.6 3 9.7
Others 0 0.0 6 6.5 6 4.9 2 6.5
Associated government organization 2 4.3 7 7.5 1 0.8 0 0.0
Non-governmental organization 0 0.0 6 6.5 0 0.0 2 6.5
Associated companies 0 0.0 1 1.1 1 0.8 1 3.2
In your opinion, do public bodies act effectively or not to protect you from potential health risks linked to electromagnetic fields? Yes, very effectively 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.8 0 0.0
Yes, fairly effectively 2 3.8 7 6.7 13 9.9 0 0.0
No, not very effectively 26 50.0 58 55.2 73 55.7 15 41.7
No, not at all effectively 19 36.5 35 33.3 23 17.6 16 44.4
Don't know 5 9.6 5 4.8 21 16.0 5 13.9
In your opinion, how could the government organizations intervene to protect you from potential health risks linked to electromagnetic fields? Reviewing the status of scientific evidence 25 48.1 23 22.3 50 38.5 9 25.7
Developing guidance for public health protection 11 21.2 49 47.6 31 23.8 9 25.7
Setting safety standards for products 4 7.7 15 14.6 17 13.1 8 22.9
Informing the public 6 11.5 10 9.7 19 14.6 5 14.3
Others 1 1.9 2 1.9 7 5.4 2 5.8
Financing research Setting safety standards for working conditions 4 1 7.7 1.9 2 2 1.9 1.9 5 1 3.8 0.8 0 2 0.0 5.7
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