Journal List > Korean J Women Health Nurs > v.23(4) > 1089579

Kim, Yeom, and Han: Experience of Pregnant Women with Problem Drinking during First Trimester of Pregnancy



The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of pregnant women's experiences with drinking alcohol during first trimester of pregnancy


The data were collected through in-depth interviews of 7 pregnant women who drank alcohol in the first trimester. Giorgi's phenomenological method was used for data analysis.


Findings included 6 main themes and 14 themes. The main themes concerning pregnancy and drinking were: ‘Open attitude in drinking, History of drinking in family or spouse, Seeking information in how drinking affects pregnancy, Regret not doing planned pregnancy and not quitting drinking before pregnancy, Willing to stop drinking until the child birth, Awareness about importance of preconception care.


The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of pregnant women's experiences of drinking alcohol during the first trimester of pregnancy. These results can be used in the development of strategies to prevent drinking alcohol during first trimester and to support preconception care and prenatal care.


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Table 1.
Main Meanings and Themes
Main meanings Themes
Open attitude in drinking ․ Drinking for social meeting or releasing job stress. ․ Thinking alcohol as a type of beverage. ․ It is okay to drink alcohol when I do not notice pregnancy.
History of drinking in family or spouse ․ Father and siblings drink heavily and family tie is not good. ․ Spouse also likes to drink and have been drunk together before pregnancy.
Seeking information in how drinking affects pregnancy ․ Having heard stories that it is okay to drink in early pregnancy or in the middle of pregnancy to drink couple cups of alcohol and it does not harm in fetus. ․ It is easy to get information from the internet, but they are very subjective and case oriented so that I only trust them that makes me feel safe.
Regret not doing planned pregnancy and not quitting drinking before pregnancy ․ Concerned and surprised of being pregnant because it was unplanned and exposed to harmful influences to the fetus. ․ If the pregnancy was planned out before hand, I could have quit drinking. ․ Even though it is worried about deformity, I will keep up with pregnancy as long as all the test results are good.
Willing to stop drinking until the child birth ․ Symptoms of pregnancy make me feel helpless and cannot think of drinking at all. ․ I'm gonna stop drinking until the child birth.
Awareness about importance of preconception care ․ To prevent on drinking during the early pregnancy, it is very important to quit drinking while preconception. ․ It is needed to provide information on how to prepare for the pregnancy at school or community.
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