Journal List > Korean J Women Health Nurs > v.22(4) > 1089540

Kim, Lee, Kang, Kim, Kim, Oh, Jaung, Seok, Kim, and Son: A Study of Oral Health Knowledge for Pregnant Women



This paper examined the relationship between knowledge differences of maternal oral health and of relevant demographic variables.


Participants included 239 pregnant women who were recruited from Women's Hospital located in B city who agreed to participate in this study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis using the SPSS 21.0 program.


Maternal knowledge of oral health was moderate level (10.22±2.36). Scores of maternal knowledge of oral health were different according to age, education, occupation, parity, and dental care experience in pregnancy. Level of oral healthcare knowledge was weakly related to age and education.


Consequently, it is necessary to encourage pregnant women to take part in oral health education program during antenatal care.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

Differences in Oral Health Knowledge by Study Variables (N=239)

Characteristics Categories n (%) Oral health knowledge t or F p (post-hoc)
Age (yr) 20~25a 30 (12.6) 8.90±1.70 3.72 .012
(a<b, c, d)
26~30b 69 (28.9) 10.42±2.46
31~35c 82 (34.2) 10.39±2.44
≥36d 58 (24.2) 10.44±2.26
Education High schoola 75 (31.4) 9.61±2.14 4.35 .014
Collegeb 91 (38.1) 10.32±2.31
≥Universityc 73 (30.5) 10.72±2.41
Occupation No 105 (43.9) 10.10±2.55 3.00 .019
Professional job 64 (26.8) 10.95±2.19
Office managers 49 (20.5) 10.02±2.21
Labor organization 12 (5.0) 9.24±1.81
Self employer 9 (3.8) 8.89±1.36
Monthly income (10,000 won) ≤199 100 (41.8) 9.58±2.27 2.00 .114
200~299 63 (26.7) 10.77±2.23
300~399 59 (24.6) 10.21±2.52
≥400 85 (35.6) 10.22±2.361
Number of birth Nonea 104 (43.5) 9.94±2.42 4.25 .006
(a<b, b>c)
1b 79 (33.1) 10.97±2.01
2c 45 (18.8) 9.73±2.42
≥3d 11 (4.6) 9.54±2.87
Dental care experience in pregnancy Yes 162 (67.8) 10.50±2.32 2.70 .008
No 77 (32.2) 9.63±2.35
Oral health education during pregnancy No 217 (90.8) 10.23±2.42 −0.12 .908
Yes 22 (9.2) 10.18±1.79

Repeated experience.

Table 2

Percentage of Correct Answer of Oral Health Knowledge in Participants (N=239)

Variables M±SD Correct answer %
Periodontal disease 3.48±.88 69.6
 Periodontal disease appears when you have dental plaque and dental calculus. T 88.3
 As periodontal disease is getting worse, it may ruin even the alveolar bone. T 85.4
 Gingival bleeding while brushing teeth means the patient may have periodontal disease. T 83.3
 Periodontal disease brings pain from its initial stage. F 50.6
 Periodontal disease appears due to virus. F 40.6
Tooth decay 2.91±.19 59.0
 Dental caries are due to dental plaque. T 83.7
 Dental caries of deciduous tooth does not need any treatment. F 72.4
 Dental caries recovers of itself. F 63.6
 Dental caries bring pain from its initial stage. F 60.6
 Dental caries bacteria moves from tooth to tooth. F 15.1
Application of fluoride 2.88±1.08 57.5
 Fluoride prevents dental caries in advance. T 78.7
 Fluoride helps cure the early dental caries. T 70.7
 Fluoride makes tooth white. F 54.0
 Fluoride helps detoxicate water. F 44.8
 Fluoride shows where the dental plaque is. F 39.7
Total 10.22±2.36 62.1

T=True; F=False.

Table 3

Relationships among Oral Health Knowledge and Related Variables (N=239)

Variables Age Education Occupation Number of birth Dental care experience in pregnancy
r (p) r (p) r (p) r (p) r (p)
Education .11 (.085)
Occupation .07 (.263) −.10 (.137)
Number of birth .38 (<.001) −.18 (.005) .07 (.306)
Dental care experience in pregnancy −.07 (.300) −.08 (.201) .09 (.175) −.14 (.033)
Oral health knowledge .14 (.026) .19 (.004) −.12 (.059) −.02 (.814) −.02 (.779)


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