Journal List > Korean J Women Health Nurs > v.22(3) > 1089538

Kim and Kang: Impact of Cognitive Function and Cancer Coping on Quality of Life among Women with Post-chemotherapy Breast Cancer



This study was done to identify effects of cognitive function and cancer coping on quality of life among women with breast cancer treated with antineoplastic agents.


The study was correlational research and participants were 145 women with breast cancer who had received antineoplastic agents. Data were collected from October to November, 2015 via online replies. Cognitive function was measured with the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Cognitive Function Version-3 (FACT-Cog), cancer coping, with the Korean Cancer Coping Questionnaire (K-CCQ), and quality of life with the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast Version-4 (FACT-B). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, ANCOVA, Bonferroni test, partial correlation coefficient, and hierarchical multiple regression with SPSS 21.


Cognitive functions, total individual coping, and interpersonal coping explained 42% of quality of life. Cognitive function (β=.35, p<.001) was the best predictor of quality of life, followed by total individual coping (β=.34, p<.001), and interpersonal coping (β=.26, p<.001).


Results indicate that cognitive function and cancer coping are meaningful factors for quality of life among breast cancer survivors. Therefore when developing intervention programs for these women, content on cognitive function and coping skills as well as coping resources should be included.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

Characteristics of Women with Breast Cancer (N=145)

Characteristics Categories n (%) or M±SD
Age (year) 40.61±7.02
≤39 64 (44.1)
40~44 35 (24.1)
45~49 34 (23.4)
≥50 12 (8.3)
Religion Yes 99 (68.3)
None 46 (31.7)
Educational level ≤Middle school 2 (1.4)
High school 29 (20.0)
≥College 114 (78.6)
Subjective economic status High 3 (2.1)
Middle 111 (76.6)
Low 31 (21.4)
Length of time since diagnosis (month) 20.10±15.94
≤12 66 (45.5)
13~24 29 (20.0)
>24 50 (34.5)
Stage of disease 1 31 (21.4)
2 78 (53.8)
3 33 (22.8)
4 3 (2.1)
Hormone therapy Yes 87 (60.0)
No 58 (40.0)
Number of chemotherapy 7.39±3.96
≤4 37 (25.5)
5~8 88 (60.7)
≥9 20 (13.8)
Chemotherapy Not finished 34 (23.4)
Finished 111 (76.6)
Menopause Yes 55 (37.9)
No 90 (62.1)
Table 2

Cognitive Function, Cancer Coping, and Quality of Life according to Characteristics of Participants (N=145)

Characteristics Categories n Cognitive function Total individual scale Interpersonal scale Quality of life
M±SD t or F (p) Bonferroni M±SD t or F (p) M±SD t or F (p) M±SD t or F (p)
Age (year) ≤39 64 92.97±23.57 2.21
36.84±8.56 0.37
26.22±7.38 2.59
85.95±22.98 0.17
40~44 35 95.43±26.68 38.77±10.2 22.57±7.95 89.09±23.14
45~49 34 81.88±26.21 37.44±7.94 22.59±8.23 86.06±19.15
≥50 12 84.67±24.94 37.75±7.82 25.83±7.41 87.17±19.0
Religion Yes 99 92.94±24.86 3.46
38.90±7.84 -2.62
26.03±7.64 -3.70
89.50±20.94 -2.20
None 46 84.54±25.86 34.57±9.87 21.07±7.29 81.10±22.41
Educational level ≤High school 31 89.90±22.05 0.10
35.84±8.31 -1.21
23.39±8.89 -7.78
88.29±19.28 0.42
≥College 114 90.38±26.32 37.98±8.83 24.75±7.56 86.44±22.37
Subjective economic status Middle & high 114 92.29±24.98 2.57
38.61±8.78 2.93
25.44±7.54 2.97
89.40±20.68 2.80
Low 31 82.87±25.96 33.55±7.43 20.84±8.05 77.39±23.08
Length of time since diagnosis (month) ≤12a 66 98.36±22.12 7.46
38.82±8.96 1.64
26.09±8.00 2.79
88.89±18.75 2.41
13~24b 29 77.24±26.64 35.45±7.92 23.59±8.30 79.00±23.44
>24c 50 87.16±25.35 37.02±8.77 22.80±7.09 88.66±23.62
Stage of disease 01 31 90.26±18.76 0.04
35.23±8.74 1.59
23.03±7.24 1.04
87.97±17.71 1.71
02 78 90.17±26.86 38.51±8.69 24.40±8.00 89.03±21.01
3, 4 36 90.53±27.65 37.36±8.69 25.81±8.02 81.11±25.53
Hormonal therapy Yes 87 88.79±24.35 0.68
36.52±8.92 -1.71
23.41±7.65 -1.98
85.02±23.46 -1.29
No 58 92.50±26.95 39.03±8.31 26.02±7.96 89.55±18.61
Number of chemotherapy ≤4 37 94.30±20.41 0.89
36.84±7.59 0.22
24.78±7.49 0.55
92.92±16.51 2.38
5~8 88 89.14±28.67 37.91±8.79 24.70±7.82 85.63±23.08
≥9 20 87.85±17.03 37.10±10.70 22.75±8.80 80.90±22.31
Chemotherapy Not finished 34 97.65±21.44 3.34
37.21±8.42 -0.24
26.76±7.37 1.98
85.68±21.63 -.355
Finished 111 88.02±26.16 37.62±8.87 23.75±7.89 87.19±21.81
Menopause Yes 55 80.04±25.54 -11.79
37.91±9.11 0.41
22.76±7.94 -2.05
86.69±19.01 -.062
No 90 96.53±23.31 37.29±8.54 25.49±7.66 86.92±23.30
Table 3

Influencing Factors on Quality of Life

Variables Model 1 Model 2
B β t p B β t p
Age 0.15 .05 0.50 .620 0.16 .05 0.65 .514
Religion (None=0)
 Yes 8.03 .17 2.11 .037 -0.45 -.01 -0.14 .891
Subjective economic status (Low=0)
 Middle & high 10.33 .20 2.73 .019 3.32 .06 0.91 .367
Menopause (Yes=0)
 No 0.09 .00 0.02 .983 -4.51 -.10 -1.18 .238
Length of time since diagnosis (month)
 13~24 8.32 -.15 -1.76 .081 0.26 .01 0.06 .950
 >24 1.81 .04 0.45 .655 6.09 .13 1.82 .071
Cognitive function 0.34 .35 4.77 <.001
Coping - individual 0.85 .34 4.62 <.001
Coping - interpersonal 0.71 .26 3.38 <.001
R2=.11, F=2.76, p=.014 R2=.42, ΔR2=.31, F=10.78, p<.001


This manuscript is a condensed form of the first author's master's thesis from Ewha Womans University.

Summary Statement

▪ What is already known about this topic?
A majority of breast cancer survivors, particularly those treated with antineoplastic agents, experience cognitive decline that significantly reduce quality of life.
▪ What this paper adds?
The result indicate that cognitive function and cancer coping are significant predictors for quality of life among breast cancer women who received antineoplastic agents.
▪ Implications for practice, education and/or policy
Nurses may be the best professionals to support breast cancer women with cognitive problems by providing interventions that can ultimately improve their quality of life.


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