Advanced aged pregnancy may be related with health problems so that more aggressive health care is necessary forthesewomen. This studyaimedtoprovidethebasic datafordevelopingnursinginterventionprograms to enhancethehealth of pregnant womenandtheirnew-bornbabiesandbyidentifyingthe advancedagedwomen's need forpregnancy andchildbirth.
It is thecross-sectional descriptivestudyto identify the advancedaged women's need on pregnancy and childbirth. Subjects were pregnant women 35 years or older and postpartum women. Total number of subjects was 95. Measurement tool is self-reportingsurveythat consistedof 67items with four-point Likert scale, which was completed duringOctober to November 2014.
Average score was 3.44 out of maximum4onthe careneed onpregnancyand childbirth. Averagescores accordingto categorywereas follows: babyrearingandparental role, 3.55; preconception care, 3.49; deliverycare, 3.47; postpartum care3.42; and prenatal pregnancy, 3.39. Thedegreeof needsonpregnancyandchildbirthwasdifferent accordingtodeliveryexperi-ence (t=-2.49, p=.014).
Prenatal and postpartum nursing interventions were completed regardless of pregnant women's ageuntil now; however, new nursinginterventionprograms arenecessaryto prevent the risk of advanced aged pregnancy, to provide the preconception care, and to increase the infant care and family support.
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Table 1.
DemographicandObstetricCharacteristicsof Participants (N=95)
Characteristics | Categories | n (%) or M±SD |
Age (year) | 36.72±1.62 | |
35~39 | 88 (92.6) | |
40 ≥ | 7 (7.4) | |
Education level | High school | 27 (28.4) |
College | 58 (61.1) | |
Postgraduate | 10 (10.5) | |
Monthly income | 299 ≤ | 38 (40.0) |
(10,000 won) | 300~449 | 32 (33.7) |
450 ≥ | 25 (26.3) | |
Occupation | Yes | 49 (51.6) |
No | 46 (48.4) | |
Length of marriage | 2 < | 78 (82.1) |
(year) | 2 ≥ | 17 (17.9) |
Pregnant and | 1st trimester (13) ≤ | 15 (15.8) |
postpartum status | 2nd trimester (14~28) | 22 (23.2) |
(week) | 3th trimester (29~40) | 38 (40.0) |
Postpartum (6) ≤ | 20 (21.0) | |
Experience of | Have | 52 (54.7) |
childbirth | None | 43 (45.3) |
Planned pregnancy | Yes | 56 (58.9) |
No | l39 (41.1) | |
Future plan on | Yes | 19 (20.0) |
pregnancy | No | 46 (48.4) |
Don't know | 30 (31.6) | |
First medical screening | 4 ≤ | 32 (33.7) |
gestational age | 5~7 | 51 (53.7) |
(week) | 8 ≥ | 12 (12.6) |
Regular prenatal care | Yes | 78 (82.1) |
No | 17 (17.9) | |
Infertility treatment | None | 79 (83.2) |
Have | 16 (16.8) | |
Spontaneous abortion | None | 70 (73.7) |
Have | 25 (26.3) | |
Elective abortion | None | 78 (82.1) |
Have | 17 (17.9) | |
Disease of | None | 84 (88.4) |
prepregnancy | Have | 11 (11.6) |
Complication of | None | 76 (80.0) |
Pregnancy | Have | 19 (20.0) |
The most helpful | Husband and family | 46 (48.4) |
person | Friends and neighbors | 28 (29.5) |
Health care providers | 21 (22.1) | |
Source of information | Internet information | 48 (30.0) |
related with | Health care providers | 30 (18.8) |
pregnancy and childbirth† | Educational booklets Friends and neighbors | 25(15.6) |
25(15.6) | ||
Husband and family | 19 (11.8) | |
Mass media | 10 (6.3) | |
Preferred instructional | Lecture | 25 (26.3) |
method | Internet information | 18 (18.9) |
Educational booklet | 18 (18.9) | |
Personal counseling | 14 (14.7) | |
Smartphone application | 13 (13.7) | |
Telephone counseling | 7 (7.4) |
Table 2.
Health Care Needs for Pregnancy and Childbirth of Participants (N=95)
Table 3.
Differences in Health Care Needs according to Participants' Characteristics (N=95)