Journal List > Korean J Women Health Nurs > v.19(3) > 1089444

Kang, Yeom, and Jun: Effect of Intervention Programs for Improving Maternal Adaptation in Korea: Systematic Review



The purpose of this study was to review the literature on intervention for breast cancer survivors and their partners.


The literature search was performed using MEDLINE, Pubmed, and Proquest to summarize the current state of knowledge regarding intervention for breast cancer survivors and their partners. Articles published between January 2000 and December 2011 were included.


A total of 14 studies were identified. Couple-base d intervention was more effective than intervention for survivors alone. Intervention to partners had also effects on their wives. Most studies were conducted in USA with Caucasian women. Sample size of intervention studies was small with most being pilot studies.


Providing couple-based intervention to breast cancer survivors could have positive impacts on physical, interpersonal, and social aspects in breast cancer survivors. Future studies with large sample and different ethnicity are needed to confirm the effects of couple-based interventions for breast cancer survivors.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Process of data selection.
Table 1
Summary of Defining Characteristics of Intervention Studies with Partners of Women With Breast Cancer
Table 2
Outcome Constructs and Measures

BCTRI=breast cancer treatment response inventory; BEC=behavioral and emotional control; BFI=brief fatigue inventory; BISF=brief index of sexual functioning; BPI=brief pain inventory; BSI=brief symptom inventory; CARES=cancer rehabilitation evaluation system; CASE-S=the cancer self-efficacy scale-spouse version; CES-D=center for epidemiologic studies-depression scale; DAS=dyadic adjustment scale; DISF-SR=derogatis inventory of sexual functioning; EACS=emotional approach coping scale; FACT-B=functional assessment of cancer therapy; IES=impact of event scale; IMS=index of marital satisfaction; MAC=mental adjustment to cancer scale; MHI-18=mental health inventory; MIS=mutuality and interpersonal sensitivity scale; PAIS=psychosocial adjustment to illness scale; PAIS-SR=psychological adjustment to illness scale-self report; AL-C=profile of adaptation to life clinical scale; PGI=posttraumatic growth inventory; POMS=profile of mood states; QMI=quality of marriage index; RDAS=revised dyadic adjustment scale; RSC=rotterdam symptom checklist; SIS=self-image scale; SNSI=social network support inventory; SRHS=self-rated health subscale; SSS=sexual self schema scale; STAI-Y=state-trait anxiety inventory form Y; WOC-CA=ways of coping questionnaire-cancer version.


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