Ectopic pregnancy occurs in about 2% of pregnant women, and may seriously compromise women's health. Extra uterine implantation can occur anywhere along the reproductive tract with the most common implantation site in the fallopian tube. At early stages of presentation where the risk of rupture of a tubal pregnancy is minimal, medical therapy using methotrexate (MTX) given systemically or injected directly into the ectopic pregnancy is an option occasionally used with good results. In addition, ultrasound technology, particularly the introduction of high-resolution transvaginal probes, has been the driving force behind the revolutionary change towards conservative management strategies in ectopic pregnancy care. Tubal pregnancy can be successfully managed without surgical intervention through local injection of MTX. This treatment not only ablates the ectopic pregnancy but also preserves the salpinx without systemic side effect. In this report, we present two cases of tubal pregnancy which treated successfully with ultrasound-guided intraamnionic MTX injection.
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