Journal List > Korean J Leg Med > v.41(3) > 1088022

Lee, Park, Jung, Kim, and Ha: Drowning with Bound Wrists: Report of Two Autopsy Cases


Drowned bodies with bound wrists are occasionally observed in forensic practice. Suicidal victims may bind their hands or feet with a rope to ensure success of the suicide attempt, but the possibility of homicidal drowning cannot be excluded. We report on two autopsy cases of drowning with bound wrists. A 51-year-old man (case 1) was found in the bathroom beside the bathtub, with his head under the water in the bathtub. His wrists were tied with a green bath towel. An 83-year-old man (case 2) was found dead in a reservoir. His wrists were loosely bound with blue nylon traps on the back, and both ankles were loosely tied with socks, with a simple knot on the left ankle. At autopsy, the lungs were hyperinflated, and foamy fluid was exuded from the bronchi in both cases.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Case 1.

(A) The deceased was found aside of the bathtub in the bathroom, with his head under the water in the bathtub. (B) His wrists were tied with a green bath towel.
Fig. 2

Case 2.

Ropes and knots of wrists (A) and ankles (B).
Fig. 3

Case 2.

Lungs were hyperinflated (emphysema aquosum, A) and foamy fluid was exuded from bronchus (B).


Conflicts of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.


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