Medicolegal autopsies are a vital tool for obtaining reliable injury mortality data. This study statistically analyzed the data obtained from medicolegal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014. A total of 5,324 deaths were analyzed by sex, age, manner of death, and cause of death. With respect to the manner of death, 56.3% were recorded as unnatural deaths, 38.4% were natural deaths, and 5.3% had unknown causes. Of the 2,998 unnatural deaths, 41.0% were determined to be accidental deaths; 28.1%, suicidal; 16.1%, homicidal; and 14.8%, undetermined. Of the total number of unnatural deaths, 38.8% were trauma-related, wherein falls accounted for 32.7%. Asphyxiation accounted for 16.3% of unnatural deaths; of these, the predominant cause was hanging (59.4%). In addition, 15.0% of the unnatural deaths were due to drowning; 14.8%, poisoning; 11.3%, thermal injuries; 2.5%, complications arising from medical procedures; and 0.4%, electrocution, starvation, or neglect. Among the 2,042 natural deaths, heart diseases accounted for 49.0% and vascular diseases accounted for 17.3%. Of the 170 deaths among children under the age of 10, 38.8% were recorded as unnatural deaths, 54.1% were natural deaths, and 7.1% had unknown causes.
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Table 1.
Deaths, unnatural deaths, and autopsies in Korea in 2014
Deaths | Unusual death | Autopsies | Autopsy rate (%) | ||
1 | 2 | ||||
Seoul | 42,153 | 5,172 | 1,0090, | 2.4 | 19.5 |
Busan | 20,230 | 1,743 | 253 | 1.3 | 14.5 |
Incheon | 13,409 | 1,695 | 409 | 3.1 | 24.1 |
Daegua) | 12,642 | 1,658 | 0,94a) | 0.7a) | 5.7a) |
Gwangju | 6,935 | 940 | 119 | 1.7 | 12.7 |
Daejeon | 6,564 | 974 | 142 | 2.2 | 14.6 |
Ulsana) | 4,695 | 609 | 000,4a)0 | 0.1a) | 0.7a) |
Gyeonggi | 51,425 | 7,268 | 1,4860, | 2.9 | 20.4 |
Gangwon | 11,004 | 1,641 | 206 | 1.9 | 12.6 |
Chungbuk | 10,174 | 1,536 | 205 | 2.0 | 13.3 |
Chungnamb) | 15,002 | 2,347 | 281 | 1.9 | 12.0 |
Jeonbuk | 13,563 | 1,835 | 207 | 1.5 | 11.3 |
Jeonnam | 16,053 | 2,126 | 324 | 2.0 | 15.2 |
Gyeongbuk | 20,304 | 2,730 | 203 | 1.5 | 11.1 |
Gyeongnam | 20,239 | 2,596 | 277 | 1.4 | 10.7 |
Jejua) | 3,300 | 608 | 000,5a)0 | 0.2a) | 0.8a) |
Total 1 | 247,055 | 32,603 | 5,2210, | 2.1 | 16.0 |
Total 2 | 267,692 | 35,478 | 5,3240, | 2.0 | 15.0 |
Table 2.
Age, sex, and manner of death of total number of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 3.
Cause of death and sex in unnatural death of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 4.
Cause of death in trauma of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 5.
Fatal sites of blunt force injury and manner of death of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 6.
Fatal sites of sharp force injury and manner of death of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 7.
Cause of death in asphyxia of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 8.
Cause of death in poisoning of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 9.
Cause of death in thermal injury of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 10.
Cause of death and sex in natural death of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 11.
Cause of death and sex in miscellaneous natural death of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Table 12.
Manner of death in children under 10 of legal autopsies performed in Korea in 2014
Manner of death | Neonatea) | Infancyb) | Preschoolc) | Prepubertyd) | Subtotal | Total | |||||
M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | M | F | ||
Unnatural | 5 | 4 | 14 | 9 | 10 | 9 | 4 | 10 | 34 | 32 | 66 (38.8) |
Suicide | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 (0) |
Homicide | 5 | 4 | 7 | 6 | 3 | 9 | 3 | 5 | 18 | 24 | 42 (24.6) |
Accident | 0 | 0 | 7 | 2 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 13 | 7 | 20 (11.8) |
Undetermined | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 4 (2.4) |
Natural | 15 | 15 | 25 | 22 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 47 | 45 | 92 (54.1) |
Unknown | 2 | 0 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 9 | 3 | 12 (7.1) |
Subtotal | 22 | 19 | 45 | 33 | 16 | 14 | 7 | 14 | 90 | 80 | |
(12.9) | (11.2) | (26.6) | (19.4) | (9.4) | (8.2) | (4.1) | (8.2) | (53.0) | (47.0) | 170 (100) | |
Total | 41 (24.1) | 78 (46.0) | 30 (17.6) | 21 (12.3) | 170 (100) | - |
Table 13.
Analysis of unknown cause of death cases performed in Korea in 2014
Table 14.
Deaths, unusual deaths and autopsies in Korea from 2012 to 2014
Table 15.
Cause of death of legal autopsies in Korea from 2012 to 2014