Journal List > J Korean Soc Radiol > v.76(1) > 1087817

Hwang, Hwang, Cho, Kim, Kim, Seo, Lim, and Kang: Comparison of the Therapeutic Effect between a Transforaminal along with a Caudal Epidural Injection, as Well as Two-Level Transforaminal Epidural Injections in a Radiculopathy Patient



The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of a transforaminal epidural steroid injection (TFESI) along with a caudal epidural steroid injection (ESI), compared to two-level TFESIs in a multi-level radiculopathy patient.

Materials and Methods

A total of 895 lumbar ESIs were performed in 492 patients with multi-level radiculopathy from January 2012 to January 2015. Before injections were performed, the initial Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) score was assessed in all patients, categorized into no pain (excellent), mild (good, NRS: 1–3), moderate (fair, NRS: 4–6), and severe pain (poor, NRS: 7–10). Therapeutic effects were examined for two groups: one-level TFESI along with caudal and ESI two-level TFESIs. Patient outcomes were assessed by NRS in a serial follow-up at one, three, and six months.


One TFESI along with caudal ESI was performed in 274 patients and two TFESIs for 218. For the former group with one TFESI along with caudal ESI, excellent results were shown: 219 (79.9%) patients after one month, 200 (72.9%) after three, and 193 (70.4%) after six months. In the patient group with two TFESIs (n = 218) the outcomes were also very good: 152 (69.7%) after one month, 131 (60.0%) after three months, and 123 (56.4%) patients after six months. The therapeutic effect of one TFESI along with caudal ESI was better than two TFESIs in for one, threes, and six months (p < 0.01).


Transforaminal epidural steroid with caudal epidural injection is a more effective tool for lumbosacral radiculopathy than two level transforaminal injections in multi-level radiculopathy patients.


Lumbosacral radiculopathy is a common medical and socioeconomic problem with a lifetime prevalence estimated to be around 40–60% (123). Intervertebral disc herniation and degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis are the two most common causes of lumbosacral radiculopathy (4). Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis is a common disease in the elderly population, which is rapidly increasing (5). However, in most cases, the initial clinical symptoms and imaging findings are nonspecific, discordant or insufficient for diagnosis (6789). In addition, some patients complain about multi-level radiculopathy.
Currently, epidural steroid injection (ESI) is used for the treatment of both acute and chronic lower back pain. Its use relieves symptoms attributed to lumbosacral radiculopathy. In multi-level radiculopathy patients, therapeutic effect of one level epidural steroid injection has been limited. Thus, we focused on additional epidural injections for treating multi-level herniated disc patients. The objectives of our study were comparing the therapeutic effect and complication rates between two level injections and a one level injection along with caudal injection.



Lumbar ESIs were performed from January 2012 to January 2015. Among the patients, 895 consecutive lumbar ESIs in 492 were reviewed. We received approval from Institutional Review Board. Total 895 lumbar ESIs (285 men, 207 women; mean age, 63.9 years) were used for analysis. There is no significant difference in the two groups' age range. The initial Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) score was assessed in every patient (Table 1), dividing them into no, mild (NRS: 1–3), moderate (NRS: 4–6), and severe pain (NRS: 7–10) categories. We classified the patients into two groups based on the NRS anddefined marked improvement with no pain as a satisfactory result for therapeutic effect. Retrospectively, the therapeutic effect difference in the groups was evaluated: one level transforaminal epidural steroid injection (TFESI) along with caudal epidural injection and two level TFESIs for lumbosacral radiculopathy. The inclusion criteria were presence of low back or leg pain, clear radiculopathy, such as evidenced by computed tomography (CT) or MRI, which was identified by radiologic reports, and the presence of follow-up medical records after caudal ESI. Exclusion criteria were unclear descriptions of symptoms, the absence of evidence of radiculopathy on cross-sectional images or of follow-up data. Injections for two groups were performed for patients with multi-level radiculopathy and contralateral mild radiculopathy or chronic back pain. There was no significant statistical difference in two patient groups' symptoms, who were injected the same steroid dose at each time. Therapeutic effects were analyzed at one, three, and six months after injection in the two comparison groups and assessed by using the NRS.


All therapeutic TFESI were conducted under fluoroscopic guidance by a musculoskeletal radiologist experienced in performing spinal interventions. All the injections were performed as outpatient procedures, after obtaining informed consent. With a patient in susceptible position, the tube was rotated obliquely to ensure the facet joint injection pars interarticularis and a clearly visiblesite for it. Next, the skin and subcutaneous tissues overlying the desired pedicle and nerve root were anesthetized with lidocaine. The needle was then advanced under intermittent fluoroscopy into the neural foramen. If it is not possible to inject in a safe triangle, we had a procedure employing the postero-lateral approach. Serial lateral views were obtained to ensure that the antero-posterior position of the needle tip was appropriate. The needle position was checked through fluoroscopy using injections of contrast materials' small amounts. Postero-anterior and lateral spot radiographs were obtained to document contrast material distribution in epidural space. The steroid was slowly and gently injected (Fig. 1).
Caudal injection was performed in same manner as above, palpating the sacral cornua and localizing the entry point of the needle on A–P view. Sacral cornua were used as landmarks to identify the sacral hiatus, as the sacral hiatus is bounded bilaterally by them. Then, the needle position was confirmed on the oblique, lateral view at the level S2–3. Nonionic contrast materials were injected to the sacral epidural space; then, a mixture of steroid and normal saline was slowly injected (Fig. 2).

Clinical Assessment

Before the injection was performed, the radiologist recorded the duration of symptoms, level, and cause of nerve root impingement on the CT or MR images and the affected dermatomal distribution on the medical charts. Patient outcomes were assessed at one, three, and six month serial follow-up using a NRS that ranged from 0 to 10, subjectively expressed by the patients for the degree of improvement: excellent, good, fair, and poor. An excellent degree represented marked improvement, much improved (> 3-point NRS decreases), good was improvement but with a lesser effect (1–2 point NRS decreases). A fair degree indicated no interval change since the first injection and a poor one meant worsening of pain during the study.
The patients were not informed about the injection method to ensure a blinded protocol for the study. We defined satisfactory results as patients with a reduction of pain as reflected in NRS and no residual pain. After epidural steroid injection, the above-described one, three, and six month serial follow-ups were conducted at a clinical department, as proposed in the literature and based on the duration of therapeutically effective corticosteroids. Follow-up after ESI was scheduled for one month. At follow-up, the outcome was measured on a four-point patient satisfaction scale and recorded on the medical chart. If there was no pain, observations without repeated ESI were considered. If we decided this, the next follow-up was scheduled for three and sixe months later. We advised patients to return to our hospital immediately, even before the routine follow up date, if symptoms recurred.

Statistical Analysis

The Student t-test was used to evaluate age differences between two groups. Statistical analysis was also performed using Fisher's exact test and multiple logistic regression analysis to evaluate differences between the two level TFESIs and one level TFESI subsamples along with caudal epidural injection.
The Fisher's exact test was used to determine differences in sex, therapeutic effects, and the complication rate between the two patient groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis was also performed to assess therapeutic effects. Analyses were performed for both short- and mid-term therapeutic effects. Analyses too place by using the software program SPSS, version 10.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A p value of less than 0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.


274 (55.6%) of 492 patients were treated by one TFESI along with caudal epidural injections; 218 (44.4%) were subjected to two level TFESIs. 219 (79.9%) and they achieved a satisfactory result after one TFESI along with caudal epidural injections (group 1) after one month, and 152 (69.7%) of the 218 patients after two level TFESIs (group 2). After a three month follow-up, 200 (72.9%) of the 274 patients obtained a good outcome after one TFESI along with caudal epidural injections and 131 (60.0%) of the 218 patients achieved a satisfactory result after two level TFESIs. After the six month follow-up, 193 (70.4%) of the 274 subjects as well, after one TFESI along with caudal epidural injections, and the findings were likewise for 123 (56.4%) of the 218 patients after two level TFESIs. Statistical differences were significant for results of therapeutic effects' difference between the groups (p < 0.05). Univariate analysis showed that the one TFESI along with caudal epidural injections group demonstrated a superior effect than did the two level injection only subsample at short-term follow-up (p < 0.01) (Table 2).


Nonsurgical treatment for spinal stenosis varies, but it includes bed rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, oral administration of corticosteroids, physical therapy, and ESI. According to a cohort study by Simotas et al. (11) of non-surgically treated patients with lumbar spinal stenosis, three years after treatment, nine of the 49 patients had undergone surgical interventions. Twelve of the 40 patients not operated also reported no or only mild pain. The authors concluded that aggressive non-operative treatment for spinal stenosis remains a reasonable option (11).
The indication and efficacy of ESI still remains controversial. This technique is currently used as an intermediate treatment for back pain of various causes and duration. It is not considered curative, but a number of patients have reported long and short-term pain relief (121314). Many reports have been published about the use of TFESI in patients with chronic lower back pain (15); however, to the best of our knowledge, few reports are available about the outcome predictors of TFESI treatment, especially in terms of the injection level numbers. The therapeutic effect of conventional TFESI is limited to multi-level herniated disc patients, because it is a target-specific treatment for leveled originated radiculopathy. Caudal injections are performed for multi-level disc patients and–previously–two level injections did not achieve a sufficient therapeutic effect.
Caudal injection is designed for maximizing the therapeutic effect and to cover broad disc pain. Lee et al. (16) reported that approximately 85% of patients showed improvements after an initial caudal ESI and some 55% displayed excellent amelioraiton after a series of caudal ESI. According to a study by Delport et al. (17), of the 140 participants who underwent TFESI or caudal injection, 32% reported more than three months of pain relief, 39% less than that, while 29% stated that there was no elief . Manchikanti et al. (18) stated that significant pain relief (≥ 50%) was demonstrated in 55–65% of the patients with spinal stenosis after the use of caudal injection, While Botwin et al. (19) had published that 65% of patients after six weeks, 62% after six months, and 54% after 12 months had achieved a successful outcome, reporting an at least over-50% reduction in visual analog pain scores after caudal injection, but our results appear more optimistic. Fukusaki et al. (20) reported that ESI had no beneficial effect on the pseudoclaudication associated with spinal canal stenosis. On the other hand, Kim et al. (21) could demonstrate that fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular facet joint injection exhibited excellent immediate effectiveness and good prolonged pain relief (> two months) in patients with chronic low back pain. According to our study, one TFESI along with caudal epidural injection was more effective than two level TFESIs. This finding supports the idea that the former can more directly to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
Our study also has several limitations. First, it was not a prospective study and follow-ups was not long-term designed, although it is difficult to organize a regular schedule for TFESI. We think that it is better for patients to receive TFESI when symptoms appear or worsen. We still believe that the midterm follow-up is sufficient to evaluate the therapeutic effects. Second, initial patient groups had severe back pain. Up to 80% patient's initial NRS scores were 10 points. Thus, the injection effect appears to be overestimated. We trust that a prospective analysis is the next logical step to further analyze such findings. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in therapeutic effect by symptom duration at a short-term follow-up.
In conclusion, the transforaminal epidural steroid with caudal epidural injection is a more effective tool for multi-level radiculopathy and contralateral mild radiculopathy or chronic back pain than two level TFESIs.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Radiographs of 69-year-old man with radiating pain to right buttock and lower leg in the S1 dermatome. MR image (not shown) revealed right L4/5 and L5/S1 disc herniations with compression of right L5/S1 nerve root. Initial NRS score is 10 point. The patient received one level TFESI, he experienced less pain for approximately 1 months (NRS: 6). PA spot radiograph shows contrast material has spread to the epidural space.

NRS = Numeric Rating Scale, PA = posteroanterior, TFESI = transforaminal epidural steroid injection
Fig. 2

Radiographs of 65-year-old man with severe back pain and radiating pain to right buttock. The patient received one level TFESI along with caudal epidural injection. Initial NRS score is 10 point. The patient received one level TFESI and ESI, he experienced no residual pain for approximately 1 months (NRS: 0). After on PA spot radiographs during TFESI, the spinal needle is located in the sacral canal, and the contrast agent is spreading into the epidural space of the lumbar spine.

ESI = epidural steroid injection NRS = Numeric Rating Scale, PA = posteroanterior, TFESI = transforaminal epidural steroid injection
Table 1

Baseline Characteristic of Enrolled Patients

Patients Two Level Injection One level + Caudal
 Male 135 150
 Female 83 124
Age, yr
 ≤ 60 88 124
 > 60 130 150
Primary NRS
 1–3 18 24
 4–6 40 50
 7–10 160 200
Table 2

Comparison of Therapeutic Effect between the 2 Groups after 1, 3, and 6 Months Follow Up

Excellent (%) Good (%) Fair (%) Poor (%)
1 month
 1 TFESI + caudal 79.9 10.1 7.0 3.0
 2 TFESI 69.7 15.3 9.3 6.7
3 months
 1 TFESI + caudal 72.9 17.1 8.5 1.5
 2 TFESI 60.0 16.4 15.3 8.3
6 months
 1 TFESI + caudal 70.4 17.1 8.5 1.5
 2 TFESI 56.4 15.4 18.0 10.2

p-value: 0.01.

TFESI = transforaminal epidural steroid injection


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