Journal List > J Korean Soc Radiol > v.65(5) > 1087035

Han, Kim, and Kim: Intramural Esophageal Dissection after Endoscopy: A Case Report


Intramural esophageal dissection (IED) is an uncommon disorder characterized by a seperation between the esophageal mucosa and submucosa with or without perforation. IED is usually related with an abrupt increase in intraesophageal pressure, history of recent instrumentation, and a coagulation disorder. We report a case of IED showing extensive dissection into the wall of the stomach, which successfully subsided by conservative treatment.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

A initial findings of 45-year-old man with abrupt onset sore throat during gastroendoscopy.

A. A transaxial CT image shows the esophageal double lumen (arrow) in sub-aortic arch level.
B. A sagittal lung window setting CT image shows a long longitudinal canal (arrows) consist of true and false lumen in the thoracic esophagus.
C. A transaxial CT image shows continuous through to the lesser curvature of stomach of submucosal dissection (white arrow) and small amount perigastric pneumoperitoneum (black arrow).
D. Gastrograffin esophagography image shows the typical double-barreled appearance of esophagus.
Fig. 2

Follow-up findings after conservative management during 6 days. Esophageal and gastric submucosal air collection with perigastric pneumoperitoneum are disappeared (A, B, C).



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