Journal List > J Korean Soc Radiol > v.64(3) > 1086904

Baek, Kim, and Kim: Ultrasonography-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Cervical Lymphadenopathy: Comparative Study of the Cytological Adequacy Using of 21- and 23-Gauge Needles



To assess the difference in the cytological adequacy of ultrasonography (US)-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (US-FNAC) for cervical lymphadenopathy using 21 and 23 gauge needles.

Materials and Methods

US-FNACs were separately performed on two cervical lymph nodes and in each patient using 21 gauge (group A) and 23 gauge (group B) needles, respectively. We used 4 grade classifications for the cytological analysis of each slide and compared the cytological adequacy of US-FNAC for cervical lymphadenopathy in the two groups.


We performed US-FNACs on 58 cervical lymph nodes from 29 patients, with a cytological adequacy of 69.0%. The number of adequate cytological results was 19 (65.5%) in group A and 21 (72.4%) in group B, and the diagnostic adequacy did not differ significantly between the two groups (Mann-Whitney test, p = 0.574).


There was no statistically significant difference in the cytological adequacy of US-FNAC for cervical lymphadenopathy according using of 21 and 23 gauge needles.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

Data for US-FNAC of Cervical Lymphadenopathy in 29 Patients


Note.– RH = reactive hyperplasia, mPTC = metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma, BLC = benign lymphoid cell, MTC = medullary thyroid carcinoma, NA = non-available


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