Journal List > J Korean Soc Radiol > v.62(1) > 1086724

Lee, Lee, Lee, and Park: The Efficacy of Iopamidol (Pamiray 370®) in Aortic and Extremity CT Angiography



To evaluate the clinical safety and radiological feasibility of a domestic iopamidol-based contrast media (Pamiray®370) during an aortic and extremity CT angiography.

Materials and Methods

Between August and December of 2008, 100 patients (M:F=51:49; mean age, 59 years) underwent an aortic and extremity CT angiography using Pamiray®370 based with informed consent. All changes in vital signs, clinical symptoms, and adverse reactions to the contrast media were monitored. Two radiologists assessed the image quality of the CT angiography. A statistical comparison was conducted using an independent t-test and a Mann-Whitney test based on the 100-patient group studied using Optiray®350.


The contrast enhancement of the descending aorta in the arterial phase showed a statistically greater efficacy (p<0.001) of Pamiray®370 compared to Optiray®350, which was the routine contrast media for CT angiography for our institute. Adverse reaction signs were evident in 3%(3/100) of the subjects. All of them showed mild and transient reactions such as vomiting (n=2) and coughing (n=1), with no medical treatment required. Contrast media related symptoms including dizziness (n=7), nausea (n=3), headaches (n=2), and injection site pain (n=1), were noted in 12%(12/100).


The clinical efficacy of Pamiray®370 was acceptable for the aortic and extremity CT angiography, in terms of clinical safety, tolerance, and image quality.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Comparison of descending aortic enhancement in DVT CT using Pamiray®370 (A) and Optiray®350 (B). (A) Contrast enhancement of descending aorta at pulmorary artery bifurication level is measured as 311.23 HU in the patient whom Pamiray®370 was injected. (B) A CT aortogram using Optiray®350 shows descending aortic enhancement of 265.97 HU

Table 1

Comparison of Arterial and Venous Enhancement Between Pamiray®370 and Optiray®350 Groups


HU=Hounsfield unit, SNR=signal to noise ratio, CNR=contrast-to-noise ratio, Av=average, SD=standard deviation. *= Statistically significant

Table 2

Vital Sign Change Before and After Injection of Pamiray®370 in 100 Subjects


VS=vital sign, SBP=systolic blood pressure, DBP=diastolic blood pressure, RR= respiratory rate, SaO2=saturation, HR=heart rate, Av=average, SD=standard deviation, *= Statistically significant.


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