Vitamin D is a sunshine vitamin that has been produced on this earth for more than 500 million years. Because foods contain so little vitamin D most humans have always depended on sun exposure for their vitamin D requirement. Vitamin D deficiency has been defined as a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration < 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L); vitamin D insufficiency as a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D of 21-29 ng/mL and vitamin D sufficiency as a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D of 30-100 ng/mL whereas toxicity is usually not seen until blood levels are above 150 ng/mL. Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem that increases risk for metabolic bone diseases in children and adults as well as many chronic illnesses including autoimmune diseases, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, and cancer. The major causes of vitamin D deficiency are lack of adequate sensible exposure to sunlight, inadequate dietary intake and obesity. The United States Endocrine Society recommended that to prevent vitamin D deficiency in those at risk, children 1 year and older require 600-1,000 international unit (IU) of vitamin D daily and adults require 1,500-2,000 IU of vitamin D daily. Obese patients require 2-3 times more vitamin D to both treat and prevent vitamin D deficiency.
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Table 1.
Table 2.
Life stage group, age (yr) | IOM recommendation | Committee recommendations for patients at risk for vitamin D deficiency | ||||
AI, IU (µ g) | EAR, IU (µ g) | RDA, IU (µ g) | UL, IU (µ g) | Daily allowance (IU/d) | UL (IU) | |
Infants | ||||||
0-6 mo | 400 (10) | - | - | 1,000 (25) | 400-1,000 | 2,000 |
6-12 mo | 400 (10) | - | - | 1,500 (38) | 400-1,000 | 2,000 |
Children | ||||||
1-3 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 2,500 (63) | 600-1,000 | 4,000 |
4-8 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 3,000 (75) | 600-1,000 | 4,000 |
Males | ||||||
9-13 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 600-1,000 | 4,000 |
14-18 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 600-1,000 | 4,000 |
19-30 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
31-50 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
51-70 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
> 70 | - | 400 (10) | 800 (20) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
Females | ||||||
9-13 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 600-1,000 | 4,000 |
14-18 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 600-1,000 | 4,000 |
19-30 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
31-50 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
51-70 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
> 70 | - | 400 (10) | 800 (20) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
Pregnancy | ||||||
14-18 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 600-1,000 | 4,000 |
19-30 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
31-50 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
Lactation∗ | ||||||
14-18 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 600-1,000 | 4,000 |
19-30 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |
31-50 | - | 400 (10) | 600 (15) | 4,000 (100) | 1,500-2,000 | 10,000 |