This study was conducted to develop a sexual satisfaction tool for married women in Korea. The data was collected from July 19 to Aug 18, 1997 by means of questionnaires developed by researchers. The subject were 417 married women living in Seoul and Pusan. The process of this study was as follows : 1) The concept of sexual satisfaction was defined. 2) A conceptual framework was identified based on the extensive review of relevant literature and interviews with married women. 3) The preliminary question items containing the attributes and elements of the concept of sexual satisfaction were listed. 4) The preliminary items were revised after a pilot study. 5) The Index of Content Validity(CVI) was calculated from the content specialists' rating. 6) The reliability and validity of the sexual satisfaction measurement tool were tested. As a result of the item and factor analysis, 17 out of 30 items were found to be valid, consequently could be used to measure sexual satisfaction for married women. These final 17 items were divided into two factors. These factors were labeled as "situation factor"(10 items) and "response factor"(7 items) according to the attributes of the clustered items. The reliability of the final 17 items was .9118. Further research in needed to confirm the reliability and validity of the tool by applying it to a group of healthy married women and to a group of married women having health-related problem.