Journal List > J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol > v.6(1) > 1084437

Kim: IV Deep Sedation Management of Waardenburg Syndrome Child during Dental Treatment: A case report


IV Deep sedation is useful for Waardenburg syndrome Child undergoing extensive dental treatment. We experienced a case of dental treatment under IV deep sedation in a 3 years old boy with Waardenburg syndrome. He was treated on an outpateint basis. He was diagnosed hypothyroidism and received thyroid hormone. Premedication was done using ketamine and atropine IM. Induction using N2O-enflurane mask ventilation was uneventful and intravenous cathetering was carried out. IV deep sedation was maintained with midazolam-N2O combination. After monitering the patient for 2 hours and confirming his recovery, he was discharged from the day care unit. In summary, we report this successful IV Deep sedation management of Waardenburg syndrome child during dental treatment in as out patient.

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