Special anesthetic considerations were required for children with acute or chronic liver disease. We experienced a case of dental treatment to control infection under general anesthesia in the 2-year-old girl with liver failure. She was also scheduled for liver tansplantation. Her preanesthetic results of liver function test, electrolytes, and coagulation panel were unstable and out of normal ranges. Uneventful anesthetic induction using isoflurane and atracurium and nasotracheal intubation were carried out. General anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane for 2 hours. Oozing from multiple extraction sites was sustained, so the transfusion of platelet concentration 7 units, fresh frozen plasma 1 unit, and packed red blood cell 1 unit was done. She was recovered without complication but was transferred to pediatric intensive care unit for wound care with her endotracheal tube kept. She was transferred to a ward without noticeable complications next day.
So we report this successful case of anesthetic management for dental treatment in a child with liver failure.