Journal List > J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol > v.2(1) > 1084389

Yoon: Inhalation Sedation with Nitrous Oxide in Dental Treatment


The usage of nitrous oxide is increased for the anxious patient to dental treatment. There are two methods to induce the sedation during dental treatment. One is sedation with drugs the other no need of drugs. We discussed here about sedation with drugs. The methods of drug administration are oral, intramuscular, intravenous, inhalation.
The method of oral administration of drugs are convenient to patient and doctor but poor controllability. Intramuscular method is a parenteral technique that maintains several advantages over the enteral technique. However its pales in comparison to other parenteral technique. Intravenous method represents most effective method of ensuring predictable and adequate sedation in all patients. But it has inability to reverse the action of drugs after they have been injected except some drugs (e.g., narcotics and benzodiazepine).
A variety of gaseous agents may be administered by inhalation to produce sedation. In dental practice, the inhalation administration of gas means use of nitrous oxide. There are many advantages of nitrous oxide administration. First, very short latent period and rapid onset of drug action which lead to possible titration of drug concentration. With nitrous oxide, clinical effects may become noticeable as quickly as 15 to 30 seconds after inhalation. Recovery from inhalation sedation is also quite rapid. In out patient dental practice rapid recovery is very important because it permit to discharge the patient without escort and the patient return to their ordinary life without limit.
To success the conscious sedation with nitrous oxide, the administrator should be keep the mind that always titration of nitrous oxide concentration during induction and treatment. Careful observation need during treatment to prevent oversedation because the adequate nitrous oxide concentration to patients changed by environmental stress. Always begins with 100% oxygen and ends with 100% oxygen to prevent diffusion hypoxia which rare in clinical practice.

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