Journal List > J Korean Dent Soc Anesthesiol > v.14(2) > 1084364

Jeong, Cho, Jang, Jeon, Shim, Hwang, and Park: Dyspnea Due to Candidal Septic Pulmonary Embolism Originated from Odontogenic Infection


Septic pulmonary embolism is a rare disease entity that consists of pulmonary infection and embolism predominantly arising from endocarditis and thrombophlebitis. We report a rare case of candidal septic pulmonary embolism secondary to odontogenic infection in a previously healthy and immunocompetent man, who had a submandibular abscess with dyspnea and fever. The patient was not responsive to prolonged broad spectrum antibiotics and surgical drainage, however, antifungal therapy was successful after Candida albicans was confirmed by his blood culture. Since proper identification and the resolution of the septic origin is as important as the diagnosis of septic pulmonary embolism, in a patient with odontogenic infection, who shows definite respiratory complications despite antimicrobial therapy with surgical drainage, various culture examinations should be adopted.

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