Journal List > Korean J Clin Neurophysiol > v.18(1) > 1084176

Park, Shin, Lee, and Heo: Different Clinical Courses of Idiopathic Isolated Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy


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Figure 1.
Left hypoglossal nerve palsy. Tongue is deviated to the left during protrusion in case 1 at admission (A) and 2 weeks after onset (B). (In case 1, T2 and enhanced T1-weighted MR images and MR angiography show no abnormality, and contrast-enhanced CT shows no abnormalities in bony structures but reveals multiple small lymph nodes enlargement (arrows) at both submandibular spaces (C-F). In case 2, tongue is deviated to the left when protruded at admission (G) and 1 month after onset (H). Tongue deviation is slightly improved 3 months after onset (I). In case 2, T2 and enhanced T1-weighted images and MR angiography show no abnorma lity, and contrast-enhanced CT shows a small-sized lymph node (arrow) at right submandibular space (J-M). MR; magnetic resonance, CT; computed tomography.
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