Journal List > Ewha Med J > v.6(2) > 1083834

Kim, Kim, Lee, You, and Lee: Clinical Experience of Heart Surgery in 1982 Report of 13 Cases


Thirteen patients with a variety heart diseases were underwent operation for total correction of their defect successfully at Ewha Womans University Hospital from March, 1982 to February, 1983. Among 13 patients, three had patent ductus arteriosus, two tetralogy of Fallot, one ventricular septal defect, two constrictive pericarditis and five rheumatic valvular heart diseases. There was no surgical mortality. Their functional improvement was excellent until 6 to 12 months' postoperative period. Although they were a few patients, we report these cases because we thought they might be a good experience for us in performing coming cardiovascular work.

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