For coverage of sacral pressure sore, the gluteus maximus musculocutaneous flap had been used commonly. We covered these sacral defect with the gluteus maximus fasciocutaneous flap. Forty three parients with relatively large(average 8×8cm) sacral grade IVpressure sores underwent bilateral gluteus maximus fasciocutaneous flap and donor site was closed as a V-Y advancement. The mean postoperative follow up was 32 months, with a range of 4 to 53months. Using this technique, we achieved uniformly good results and minimal complication. There is no recurrance in our cases. We believe that the V-Y advancement technique using the fasciocutaneous unit has some major advantages for repair of large sacral defects. It is a safe, simple, and less invasive method. The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate our encouraging experience with this surgical modality.