Journal List > Ewha Med J > v.19(2) > 1083274

Park and Shin: Clinical Experience of Coronary Stenting in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease



The placement of stents in coronary arteries has been shown to be effective bail out procedure and reduce restenosis in comparison to balloon angioplasty. We experienced coronary stenting in 8 patients with coronary artery disease and report our results.


From October 1995 to April 1996, 8 cases of coronary artery stenting were per-formed at the Ewha Womans University Hospital. We evaluated results of the procedure, in-hospital complications, follow-up coronary angiography and follow-up clinical events.


All lesions were successfully stented without in-hospital complications including death, myocardial infarction, repeat coronary angioplasty, or CABG. During 2 months of fol-low-up, there was no clinical events. Follow-up coronary angiography was performed in one case, showing no restenosis.


Acute procedural results and angiographic and follow-up clinical outcomes were favorable, so coronary stenting seemed to be good therapeutic tool in treatment of coronary artery disease.

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