Journal List > Ewha Med J > v.19(2) > 1083265

Bae, Han, and Kim: Lymphangioma



Lymphangioma is an infrequent disease. Few cases of lymphangioma has been reported, so its clinical characteristics are variale. We had experienced fourteen patients of lymphangioma during relatively short period, two and half years. It was worth to analyze the clinical characteristics of the lymphangioma.


A clinical analysis was made in fourteen patients with lymphangioma who had been admitted to Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital from September, 1993 to March, 1996 retrospectively by the review of clinical records. The characteristics were about the symptoms, locations, diagnostic methods, sized of tumor, treatment, and complications.


were summerized as following
1) The sex ratio was 1 to 1.3(male to female) and the most prevalent age group was less than 10 years(78.6%)
2) The most common presenting symptom was a mass(71.4%)
3) The locations were trunk and axillary(35.7%), retroperitoneum(21.4%), extremity(21.4%), neck and mesentery in decreasing order.
4) The ultrasonogram was a useful disgnostic method of lymphangioma(71.4%).
5) The size distribution of tumors were 42.9% in less than 5cm, 42.9% in 5 to 10cm, and 14.2% in 10.1 to 15cm.
6) The treatment of choice was complete excision. There was no complication, or recurrence.


lymphangioma should be considered as differential diagnosis in patients with mass, especially children.

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