Journal List > Ewha Med J > v.18(1) > 1083246

Shim, Kim, and Moon: A Clinical Study on Tuberculous Peritonitis: A Review of 43 Cases


We studied the clinical features of 43 patients of trberculous peritonitis who had been admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital from January, 1984 to December, 1994. The results are summarized as followings :
1) The male to female ratio was 1:2.3 and the peak incidence was between 21 and 30 years of age.
2) Chief complaints were abdominal distension(65.1%), and abdominal pain(51.2%). Besides these symptoms, indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal mass and general weakness were also noted.
3) Physical findings were abdominal tendemess(53.5%), abdominal mass(32.6%), jaundice(14.0%) and heparomegaly(2.3%)
4) The mean values of hemoglobin, WBC and ESR were 11.9g/dl. 8,300/mm3, and 65mm/hr respectively
5) The ascitic fluid analysis showed that the specific gravity was 1.031, protein concentration 5.0g/dl, mean lymppcyte percentage 98%, and the mean ADA activity was 61u/l.
6) On chest X-ray, the findings related to the pulmonary tuberculosis were noted in 26 patients(60.5%).

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