Journal List > Ewha Med J > v.18(1) > 1083209

Kim: The Clinical Study of Pregnancies after In Vitro Fertilization and Embryp Transfer


I reviewed the 20 pregnancies after In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer in EWHA Woman's University Hospital from 1990 September to 1994 December. And the Results were as follows.
1) The mean age of patients were 31.7±3.9 and the average duration of infertility was 4.3±2.3 years.
2) The major cause of infertility was tubal factor and especially bilateral tubal obstruction was most frequent.
3) Controlled Ovarian Hyoerstimulation methods were FSH/hMG and GnRH-agonist/GSH/hMG(long, shohrt, and ultrashort protocol). Long protocol using GnRH-agonist/GSH/hMG had the highest pregnancy rate(35.3%).
4) Regarding the response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, serum estradiol level in the day of hCG administration(DO) was 3169.4±3611.5pg/ml. Do endometrium thickness was 9.3±2.7mm, the number of aspirated oocytes was 9.8±7.1, the number of preovulatory oocytes was 9.3±14/7.4mm, the number of cleaved oocytes was 6.1±6.3 and so fertilization rate was 66.3%.
5) The outcomes of pregnancy comprised chemical pregnancy(2 cases), abortion(7 cases), ectopic pregnancy(1 case), term delivery(9 cases), and ongoing pregnancy(1 cases). As considered the number of fetus, singleton pregnancy was in 13 cases(76.5%) and twin pregnancy was in 4 cases(23.5%).

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