Journal List > Ewha Med J > v.13(3) > 1082932

Lee, Kang, Hahm, and Kook: A Case of Allergic Granuloma due to Cosmetic Tattoo


We present herein a case of allergic granuloma due to cosmetic tattoo in eyebrow which developed in a 45-year-old female. She was seen with itching erythematous hard papules and plaques on the tattooing site.
Histopathologic findings reveled allergic granulomatous infiltration and brown pigment, and quantitative analysis by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometer were done with brown and black dye biospy specimen. 0.03 ppm chrome was found in the biospy specimen patch test was showed strong positive reaction to potassium dichromate.
We have tried intralesional injection of triamcinolone for 10 months with 3 weeks interval.

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