Journal List > Int J Thyroidol > v.8(2) > 1082716

Choi and Kim: Dietary Factors and the Risk of Thyroid Diseases: A Review


Background and Objectives

Diet is one of the major risk factors for thyroid diseases. It has been shown that high or excessive iodine intake is more likely to be a health concern in iodine-sufficient regions or regions where iodine deficiency previously existed due to the emergence of iodine-induced hypothyroidism or hyperthy-roidism. Therefore, this review investigates the occurrence of thyroid diseases, and particularly hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, in populations with different levels of iodine intake and other dietary factors in various geographic regions.

Materials and Methods

A total of 856 articles published between January 1st, 1990 and March 31st, 2015, were identified. Epidemiological studies that showed an association between dietary factors and thyroid diseases were selected, yielding a total of 21 articles.


Due to a sudden increase in iodine supplementation (i.e., via salt iodization), regions such as Denmark and China, where insufficient iodine intake previously existed, showed a significant increase in the occurrence of hypothyroidism compared with that of hyperthyroidism. Other dietary factors, such as nitrate intake, may increase the risk of the diseases, whereas a vegan diet and alcohol intake may lower the risk.


The level of iodine intake is quite variable between individuals in different geographic regions, and the risk of thyroid diseases may also vary by age and gender. Therefore, monitoring of safe levels of iodine intake should be performed to prevent iodine-induced thyroid diseases.


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14. Bulow Pedersen I, Laurberg P, Knudsen N, Jorgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, et al. An increased incidence of overt hypothyroidism after iodine fortification of salt in Denmark: a prospective population study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007; 92(8):3122–7.
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25. Chung HR, Shin CH, Yang SW, Choi CW, Kim BI. Sub-clinical hypothyroidism in Korean preterm infants associated with high levels of iodine in breast milk. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009; 94(11):4444–7.
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29. Carle A, Bulow Pedersen I, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB, et al. Graves' hyperthyroidism and moderate alcohol consumption: evidence for disease prevention. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2013; 79(1):111–9.
30. Effraimidis G, Tijssen JG, Wiersinga WM. Alcohol consumption as a risk factor for autoimmune thyroid disease: a prospective study. Eur Thyroid J. 2012; 1(2):99–104.
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Fig. 1.
Flow chart for selection of eligible studies.
Table 1.
Iodine intake and thyroid diseases in Europe
Reference Country (region) Survey year Study type Age (years) Iodine source MUI (μ g/l) Results (rate [%]/risk [95% CI])
Laurberg et al. (1998)10) Denmark (Jutland) Iceland Cross-sectional 68 (66–70) Iceland (dairy products) Jutland (38)
Iceland (150)
1) Jutland (hyperfunction): PR=12.2/3.2%
2) Iceland (hypofunction): PR=1.9/2.2%
Bü low Pedersen et al. (2002)12) Denmark (Aalborg, Copenhagen) 1998–2000 DanThyr (cohort, 2-year f/u) 0–80+ Salt IF Aalborg (45)
Copenhagen (61)
1) Hyperthyroidism: SRR=1.49 [1.22–1.81]
2) Hypothyroidism: SRR=0.73 [0.55–0.97]
Carle et al. (2006)11) Denmark (Aalborg, Copenhagen) 1997–2000 DanThyr (cohort) 0–80+ Salt IF Aalborg (45)
Copenhagen (61)
1) Hypothyroidism: SIR=1.33 [1.15–1.55]; p<0.05
2) Spontaneous hypothyroidism: SIR=1.53 [1.29–1.80]; p<0.05
3) Non-spontaneous hypothyroidism: SIR=0.64 [0.43–0.96]; p<0.05
Bü low Pedersen et al. (2006)13) Denmark (Aalborg, Copenhagen) 1997–2004 DanThyr (cohort, 6-year f/u) 0–60+ Salt IF Aalborg (45)
Copenhagen (61)
Hyperthyroidism (age, years)
1) 20–39: RR=2.61 [2.14–3.19]
2) 40–59: RR=1.29 [1.10–1.52]
3) >60: RR=1.13 [1.0–1.28]
Bü low Pedersen et al. (2007)14) Denmark (Aalborg, Copenhagen) 1997–2005 DanThyr (cohort, 7-year f/u) 0–60+ Salt IF Baseline/Late IF
Aalborg (45/86)
Copenhagen (61/99)
Hypothyroidism (late mandatory vs. baseline IF)
1) Overall: RR=1.23 [1.07–1.42]
2) Aalborg: RR=1.11 [1.11–1.66]
3) Copenhagen: RR=1.10 [0.90–1.34]
4) 20–39 years: RR=1.90 [1.28–2.84]
Vejbjerg et al. (2009)15) Denmark (Aalborg, Copenhagen) 1997–1998,2000 Cross-sectional (before vs. after IF) 18–65 Salt IF Aalborg (53)
Copenhagen (68)
Mild hypothyroidism (age, years female; p=0.01)
1) 18–22: OR=1.7 [1.0–2.8]
2) 25–30: OR=2.0 [1.2–3.2]
3) 40–45: OR=1.4 [0.8–2.3]
4) 60–65: OR=0.7 [0.5–1.1]
Garcí a-Garcí a et al. (2012)16) Spain (Almerí a) 2007–2010 Cross-sectional 1–16 Dairy products 199.5 Thyroid autoimmunity/Autoimmune thyroiditis
1) Deficient: PR=2.6% [1.3–5.1]/1.3% [0.0–4.5]
2) Adequate: PR=2.9% [1.3–6.3]/1.3% [0.1–3.1]
3) Above requirements: PR=4.6% [2.9–7.8]/1.6% [0.1–3.7]
4) Excessive: PR=5.0% [2.6–9.6]/1.4% [0.0–4.1]

CI: confidence interval, f/u: follow-up, IF: iodine fortification, IR: incidence rate, MUI:median urinary iodine, PR: prevalence rate, RR: relative risk, SIR: standardized incidence rate, SRR: standardized rate ratio

Table 2.
Iodine intake and thyroid diseases in Asia
Reference Country (region) Survey year Study type Age (years) Iodine source MUI (μ g/l) Results (rate [%]/risk [95% CI])
Konno et al. (1994)23) Japan 1992 Cross-sectional ≥18 Seaweed (kelp) ≥75 μ mol/L (high) Hypothyroidism: Thyroid AB-in subjects with high UI (12.1%) vs. normal UI (2.3%) (p<0.001)
Yang et al. (2002)17) China 1991–19951996–1999 Cross-sectional & longitudinal survey ≥14 USI Panshan (103)
Zhangwu (375)
Huanghua (615)
Subclinical hyperthyroidism
1) PR=3.7% (P vs. H); p<0.001
2) PR=3.9% (Z vs. H); p<0.001
3) PR=1.1% (H)
Teng et al. (2006)19) China 1999–2004 Cross-sectional (5-year f/u) ≥14 USI Panshan (84)
Zhangwu (243)
Huanghua (651)
Subclinical hypothyroidism
1) CI=0.2(P)/2.6(Z)/2.9(H)%; p<0.001
2) P vs. Z; p<0.001
3) P vs. H; p<0.001
Yang et al. (2007)18) China 1999–2004 Cross-sectional (5-year f/u) ≥14 USI Panshan (88)
Zhangwu (214)
Huanghua (634)
1) CI=1.4(P)/0.9(Z)/0.8(H)%; p>0.05
Aminorroaya et al. (2009)24) Iran (Isfahan) 2006 Cross-sectional (15 years after USI) >20 USI Male (20.0 μ g/dL)
Female (20.6 μ g/dL)
Male (ref.) vs. Female
1) Subclinical hypothyroidism: OR=2.52 [1.70–3.73]; p<0.001
2) Overt hypothyroidism: OR=2.31 [1.32–4.04]; p<0.001
Chung et al. (2009)25) Korea 2007–2008 Case-control ≤34 week Breast milk 75 Subclinical hypothyroidism: EDi (<30 vs. 100 μ g/kg/day)
1) Week 3 (p=0.033, 0 vs. 67%): 51.2±45.5 vs. 149.0±103.8 μ g/kg/day
2) Week 6 (p=0.032, 20 vs. 100%): 32.8±35.5 vs. 92.1±51.2 μ g/kg/day
Teng et al. (2011)20) China 2007 Cross-sectional >14 USI (school children: 145/ 261; general population: 164/272) Chengshan/Rongxing Chengshan/Rongxing (%)
1) Hypothyroidism: PR=2.15/5.35%; p<0.000
2) Subclinical hypothyroidism: PR=1.99/5.03%; p<0.001
3) Hyperthyroidism: PR=3.52/1.89%; p=0.002
4) Subclinical hyperthyroidism: PR=1.73/0.63%; p=0.002
Zou et al. (2012)21) China 2009 (Sep-Dec) Cross-sectional 5–69 USI 146.7 Age (15–69 years, male/female (%))
1) Hypothyroidism: PR=0.44/0.98%; p<0.05
2) Subclinical hypothyroidism: PR=7.3/11.03%; p<0.05 Age (15–39 vs. 40–69 years)
1) Subclinical hyperthyroidism: PR=0.05/0.41%; p<0.05
Du et al. (2014)22) China Cross-sectional ≥18 Iodized table salt Excess (>400)
Sufficient (100–300)
ID (<100)
Excess/Sufficient/ID (%)
1) Overt hypothyroidism: PR=2.56/1.18/1.05%; p=0.045
2) Subclinical hyperthyroidism: PR=0.58/0.20/1.95%; p=0.003

CI: cumulative incidence, CIR:cumulative incidence rate, Edi:estimated daily iodine intake, f/u: follow-up, ID: iodine deficiency, IR: incidence rate, MUI: median urinary iodine, OR: odds ratio, PR: prevalence rate, UI: urinary iodide, USI: universal salt iodization

Table 3.
Other dietary factors and thyroid diseases
Reference Country (region) Study type Survey year Dietary factor Age (years) Result (OR [95% CI])
Ward et al. (2010)26) US (Iowa) Cohort 1955–1988 Nitrate (diet & water supplies) 55–69 Dietary nitrate (≤17.4 vs. 41.1 mg nitrate-N/day)
1) Hypothyroidism: OR=1.24 [1.10–1.40]; p=0.001
Carlé et al. (2012)28) Denmark DanThyr (population based casecontrol) 1997–2001 Alcohol Female (18–65)
Male (60–65)
Overt hypothyroidism (1–10 units/week vs.)
1) 0 unit/week: OR=1.68 [1.02–2.77]; p<0.05
2) 11–20 units/week: OR=0.46 [0.25–0.83]; p<0.01
3) ≥21 units/week: OR=0.52 [0.25–1.09]
Effraimidis et al. (2012)30) Netherlands Amsterdam AITD (nested casecontrol) Alcohol 18–65 Overt hypothyroidism (>10 units of alcohol/week vs.)
1) Baseline: OR=0.54 [0.14–2.06]
2) 1 year before event: OR=0.23 [0.05–1.04]; p=0.041
3) At event: OR=0.23 [0.05–1.06]; p=0.044
Carlé et al. (2013)29) Denmark DanThyr (population based casecontrol) 1997–2000 Alcohol ≥18 Grave' s hyperthyroidism (maximum 1–2 units/week vs.)
1) 0 unit/week: OR=1.59 [1.02–2.48]; p<0.05
2) 3–10 units/week: OR=0.58 [0.40–0.85]; p<0.01
3) 11–20 units/week: OR=0.57 [0.36–0.91]; p<0.05
4) ≥21 units/week: OR=0.29 [0.15–0.56]; p<0.001
Tonstad et al. (2013)27) US, Canada AHS-2 (longitudinal study) 2002–2008 Plant-based diet ≥30 Omnivore vs. lacto-ovo
1) Hypothyroidism: OR=1.09 [1.01–1.18]

AHS-2: the Adventist Health Study-2, AITD: autoimmune thyroid disease, CI: confidence interval, DanThyr: the Danish Investigation of Iodine Intake and Thyroid Diseases, f/u: follow-up, OR: odds ratio

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