Journal List > Asian Oncol Nurs > v.16(4) > 1081872

Yoon, Kim, Choi, Choi, Kim, and Kim: Physical, Psychological and Social Symptoms, Activity and Education of Children and Adolescents with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Receiving Maintenance Chemotherapy



This study was to identify the physical, psychological and social symptoms of ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) children and adolescents receiving maintenance chemotherapy to build a basic data set to produce effective nursing intervention and ultimately help their early return to school and social adaptation.


Fifty ALL children and adolescents between 4 and 18, who were receiving maintenance chemotherapy were surveyed on days 2, 7, and 28. For younger children, between the age of 4 and the 3rd year in elementary school, their primary caregivers answered the survey and those between the 4th year in elementary school and the age of 18 answered the survey themselves.


During maintenance chemotherapy, ALL children and adolescents experience diverse physical, psychological and social symptoms. On days 7 and 28, physical and social symptoms were greater than physical symptoms. Physical symptoms were greatest on day 2 and the most psychological and social symptoms were observed on day 7. During the maintenance chemotherapy period, 40% of the children and adolescents could not attend regular educational institutions.


Since each point in the maintenance chemotherapy period shows different symptomatic characteristics, nursing intervention can be provided appropriately for each specific point to help the patients' social adaptation and early return to school.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Design of study.

Table 1

General Characteristics & Laboratory Finding (N=50)

Characteristics Categories n (%) or M±SD
Gender Male 34 (68.0)
Female 16 (32.0)
Care giver Parents 47 (94.0)
Grand parents 2 (4.0)
Others 1 (2.0)
ALL risk feature Low risk 14 (28.0)
Standard risk 14 (28.0)
High risk 13 (26.0)
Very high risk 9 (18.0)
Cycle of chemotherapy 2 8 (16.0)
3 4 (8.0)
4 6 (12.0)
5 11 (22.0)
6 4 (8.0)
7 9 (18.0)
8 8 (16.0)
ECOG 0 41 (82.0)
1 8 (16.0)
2 1 (2.0)
Other medications No 44 (88.0)
Yes 6 (12.0)
Other treatment No 48 (96.0)
Yes 2 (4.0)
Laboratory finding WBC (10^9/L) 3,407.4±1,636.0
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 11.6±1.0
Platelet (10^9/L) 252.7±71.6
SGOT (U/L) 26.1±12.2
SGPT (U/L) 25.7±27.3

ECOG= Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; WBC= White blood count; SGOT= Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase; SGPT= Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase.

Table 2

Physical & Psychosocial Symptom during Maintenance Chemotherapy (N=50)

Day Strength Presence Strength Discomfort
n (%) M±SD M±SD
2nd day Nausea 28 (56.0) 1.64±1.80 1.66±1.85
Vomiting 23 (46.0) 1.36±1.75 1.38±1.81
Taste change 19 (38.0) 1.06±1.54 0.94±1.43
Itching 19 (38.0) 0.98±1.50 1.00±1.57
Screaming and throwing a fit. If you don’t go as your mind 19 (38.0) 0.96±1.49 0.88±1.36
7th day Sulky & irritable 26 (52.0) 1.46±1.68 1.28±1.62
Screaming and throwing a fit. If you don’t go as your mind 23 (46.0) 1.32±1.70 1.14±1.62
Itching 21 (42.0) 1.14±1.44 1.06±1.42
Headstrong & sullen 15 (30.0) 0.86±1.57 0.72±1.44
Difficulty sleeping 11 (22.0) 0.60±1.26 0.56±1.23
28th day Sulky & irritable 16 (32.0) 0.78±1.32 0.68±1.30
Cough 16 (32.0) 0.76±1.30 0.66±0.20
Screaming and throwing a fit. If you don’t go as your mind 12 (24.0) 0.58±1.29 0.48±1.12
Headstrong & sullen 11 (22.0) 0.52±1.23 0.48±1.21
Lack of energy 9 (18.0) 0.44±0.97 0.30±0.70
Table 3

Activity and Education (N=50)

Categories Categories n (%) or M±SD
Education Nursery school 3 (6.0)
Kindergarden 11 (22.0)
Elementary school 11 (22.0)
Middle school 1 (2.0)
High school 4 (8.0)
Alternative school 3 (6.0)
Cyber school 5 (10.0)
None 12 (24.0)
Attendance (times/week) 5 29 (58.0)
3~4 1 (2.0)
none 20 (40.0)
School meals Yes 29 (58.0)
Not applicapable 20 (40.0)
Others 1 (2.0)
Activities (min/day) Sleeping 561.6±59.7
Watching TV 155.0±111.5
Internet 102.6±128.1
Conversation 116.6±85.1
Out door activities 65.4±43.8
Table 4

The Difference between Physical Symptom and Psychosocial Symptom (N=50)

Variables Physical symptom Psychosocial symptom Difference (Psychosocial-Physical) t p
2nd day 0.20±0.13 0.21±0.23 0.01±0.24 0.28 .775
7th day 0.14±0.15 0.24±0.25 0.10±0.25 2.73 .008
28th day 0.09±0.10 0.14±0.18 0.05±0.15 2.21 .031
Table 5

Physical and Psychosocial Symptom during Maintenance Chemotherapy (N=50)

Variables 2nd day 7th day 28th day F p
Physical symptom 0.20±0.13 0.14±0.15* 0.09±0.10*† 21.12 <.001
Psychosocial symptom 0.21±0.23 0.24±0.25 0.14±0.18 5.18 .007

*Bonferroni test, comparison between day 2 and each time; Bonferroni test, comparison between day 7 and day 28.


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